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Manning must have thought you were asking about fighting with his wife.

Posted by Grandgadfly | August 1, 2007 3:46 PM


Posted by monkey | August 1, 2007 3:47 PM

He's gonna him them first? Damn. He's not fuckin' around.

Posted by Mr. Poe | August 1, 2007 3:48 PM

Um, mostly ok, but there is one that is obviously WRONG:

"The other two candidates in this race, Robert Sondheim and Lauren Briel, got 86'd by the SECB—Briel for telling us she's for Libertarian whack job Ron Paul,"

Um, look, lots of Dems admire the fact that Ron Paul called for us to get out of Iraq long before any of the Democrats did, even if he is a crypto-fascist Red. He's still saner than the rest of their choices, so you're holding that against him?

Man, if you hold that standard, I sure hope Dan didn't participate, cause he said GWB was an ok choice, and we ALL know how that worked out ...

Posted by Will in Seattle | August 1, 2007 3:56 PM

isn't that the best answer? what's the other option?

Posted by get knocked out first? | August 1, 2007 3:58 PM

Josh- I'm really not starting anything, I support Venus and Joe S for council, but- what is wrong with Manning's response?

You always hit first if you have to fight. The best thing is to try to walk away, but when you cant, you go for a clear punch in the ear and knock em out. Why wait to get decked like some clown? He seems to be spot on. What is so "yikes" about his response?

Posted by SeMe | August 1, 2007 4:04 PM

SeMe is 100% correct about Manning being essentially right (not to mention that they do in fact train cops in hand-to-hand combat, so Manning knows of what he speaks), but an aspiring politician who got bounced for domestic violence ought to have the sense to choose his words more carefully (to say the least!).

Posted by Mr. X | August 1, 2007 4:09 PM

Ron Paul scares the hell out of me, thanks for exposing whatsherface. Also, I liked the nod towards drinking in parks at the end of the endorsements article... Note: be nice to the Cops On Bikes and they will let you keep your alcohol!

Posted by Katelyn | August 1, 2007 4:12 PM

and so venus, joe, keith, darlene, sundquist, and fisken get the stranger's kiss of death. i'm sure they will be well received by pure and manning and nicastro, et al

Posted by landsfarthereast | August 1, 2007 4:25 PM

Second @5 & SeMe -- Not everyone is gonna go ahead and just want to get their ass kicked for someone else's bullshit reason.

Posted by Lloyd Clydesdale | August 1, 2007 5:05 PM

Josh, thank you for pointing out Manning's response. Like #7, I was shocked by his politically tone-deaf answer.

#6: I was chilled when I read Manning's response. If he wasn't busted for a domestic violence charge, about 6 feet, 350 pounds of muscle, and an ex-cop, I might not of had such a reaction to his answer. I'm a woman with a small frame and a distinct lack of muscle tone, thus, his macho-y answer freaked me out a little.

Posted by yikes | August 1, 2007 5:22 PM

Does this mean that if I ever run for a local office, my ten plus years of martial arts experience will be held against me?

Posted by Gitai | August 1, 2007 6:42 PM

Only if you get arrested for using it on your wife.

Posted by think about it | August 1, 2007 7:05 PM

Your endorsement of Darlene Flynn is a bummer.

When I first heard and read Darlene in her 2003 campaign, I too thought she was strong, articulate, smart - and believed her when she pledged in the PI "...better communication, regular public meetings in the community, more inclusive discussions about issues in front of the board".

Aside from the fact that she delivered on none of those pledges (community meetings - 0), my bigger problem is with her treatment of human beings - constituents, district staff, fellow board members, legislators, the CACIEE committee, you name it - and the impact of that demeanor on the causes she would advance.

You call her "righteous" - I call her condescending, dismissive, unprofessional, unconstructive, and more interested in the sound of her own voice than in any cause - and I think you would too if you saw her in action outside your offices or the occasional board meeting.

Though you didn't have to get beyond those confines to see her publicly ignore Michael DeBell (i.e., not look at him, not respond to his greetings, not speak to him) for the better part of his first year.

Or make a production of leaving just as a notable public education advocate who'd volunteered months of his time on the CACIEE committee got up to present a scheduled status report to the board.

Like them, not like them, agree with them or don't - do you really think that's constructive demeanor for a director on a 7-member board?

Most real leaders know that advancing ideas and making real change takes motivating staff, rallying supporters, and inspiring confidence and trust in colleagues - not just rhetoric.

Sound too strong? Not when you know what the stakes are and how wrong Darlene Flynn is for the job.

Posted by rational_mom | August 1, 2007 8:01 PM

You asked him a question about how he'd handle a barfight. When you get caught in a barfight, you don't get a chance to negotiate your way out. You swing or you're getting the shit beat out of you.

That's ridiculous to hold that answer against him. Way to bait him, big guy.

Posted by Gomez | August 1, 2007 8:48 PM

SUPER disappointed that you didn't endorse Bill Sherman for KC Prosecutor over wannabe Keith Sculley. He's greener than Shrek for God's sake. Night and day when you listen to them answer questions - Sherman sees the big picture and Sculley falls back on tactical junior prosecutor responses. We need the maturity and perspective of Sherman in that job (and to take on Satterburg in the General).

Posted by watcher | August 1, 2007 9:09 PM

He didn't even answer the 1-10 part of the question. Why can't politicians ever answer the questions asked?! (All though I found this pretty telling about him as person)

Posted by Matt | August 1, 2007 9:53 PM

Darlene Flynn is smart, but comes across as dismissive and condescending.

Posted by Yes | August 2, 2007 10:15 AM

wokner akwqvnou ltmpbev ymklxbiju xpjolehr zcqx bilfyunj

Posted by kabhl fhgqtz | August 10, 2007 8:47 AM

gdovjk ytrgpue ntql nwpvisr eqxzhv dnkyqr dtxkao

Posted by zcyr kfcnvhp | August 10, 2007 8:48 AM

wokner akwqvnou ltmpbev ymklxbiju xpjolehr zcqx bilfyunj

Posted by kabhl fhgqtz | August 10, 2007 8:48 AM

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