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RSS icon Comments on Lee Rosenbaum's Take on SAM


If you look at her blog, you can see that she rocks a fanny pack:

Posted by Eric | July 18, 2007 12:28 AM

Maybe never? Hah! The NYT doesn't know the west coast exists, except for when they're printing what the Hammer tells them, heh heh.

Posted by Tyler | July 18, 2007 6:50 AM

Interesting critique. It is funny to me that the building this much criticism (criticism in the sense of review, not judgment). It is a different take on the typical museum and should be recognized as such, but for some reason, that is being overlooked in large part.

Also, kudos to you, Jen, and The Stranger, for being referenced. Granted, he didn't necessarily agree with your perspective, but what does an old fart know anyway.

Posted by Brad | July 18, 2007 7:00 AM

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