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Sex Women’s Fantasies: Not Just About Waterfalls Anymore

Posted by on April 9 at 14:04 PM

You may recall the recent story about female orgasms in which a researcher claimed chicks really dig fantasizing about waterfalls.

Well, now you can add men doing housework to that list:

The Cambridge Women’s Pornography Cooperative, responsible for this little 98-page gem … says that when it comes to pornography, what really turns women on is men who clean the bathroom without being asked, or make a gourmet dinner, or bring home flowers for no reason, or volunteer to watch the kids.

They took all those fantasies, and photographer Susan Alexander lined up a bunch of great-looking guys to pose for them, and the result is “Porn for Women” (Chronicle Books, $12.95). When it comes out next month, it may very well leave women begging for more.

I don’t know what’s sadder: That a man who manages to clean the bathroom is a fantastical creature, or that this is what’s supposed to get my rocks off?:



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reference link = cool site for those of you keeping score at home.


Just last night my wife told me I looked sexy in my yellow latex dish-washing gloves. Seriously.

Anyway, don't fret Erica, I'm sure someone will eventually publish a book of castration porn for you.


Eh. Cleaning is lame. I'm with Erica on this- how is this clichéd nonsense supposed to turn me on? Are they bringing home the flowers naked? I'll stick with the French rugby calendar.


Maybe my cooking isn't *gourmet* enough. Can you get independently certified?


Now if only he'd take his socks off...


Waterfalls? That's bizarre.


You mean women don't have fantasies about tickle fights with their girlfriends in sexy lingerie. if I was girl that's what I would fantasize about.


Hey baby I got those shit stains off of the toilet bowl... wanna fuck.


I'm a gay homemaker, and why yes, now that you mention it, the thought of a lad tending unbidden to my household chores DOES produce a small thrill.

The book itself looks a bit tame, but it certainly inspires some scenarios that had not previously occurred to me.

My husband will be so pleased to hear about this.


I can see how I'd tempted into fucking his ass from behind, but that's not entirely related to the housework itself per se.


Mowing the lawn, fixing stuff...anything that involves tools or machinery and getting sweaty = HAWT.


most likely the way in which the women surveyed avoided the question.


i think i agree with max @12. there was nothing sexy about that pic...touching, yes. but not hot. women are gratified by men taking the initiative with house chores, but it's a confusion to call it a sex fantasy, imo.


"What's I don’t know what’s sadder: That a man who manages to clean the bathroom is a fantastical creature, or that this is what’s supposed to get my rocks off?"

Even saddder is a joke that is taken seriously and analyzed. Of course that is not as bad as some of the people that are offended by the joke.


I think #14 is right that it's supposed to be funny. Probaby aimed at the same demographic that thinks owning a coffee mug that says "a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle" is edgy and hilarious.


I read Erica's post wrong and that's what led me to assume it was a joke. I thought that a group had made the book as a joke based on a 'study' that someone else had done. I'm going to assume for my own sanity that the entire project is a joke.

That and download the pic of the guy cleaning! Desktop!



that is all.


That cleaning hunk website was kinda funny for about a minute, then just got creepy when Jason started eyeing me and slouching all around the kitchen.


I'm just saying. I cook a sleigh load for the bird. Look, you got your baked chicken with asparagus and turnips and you know a lady loves a nice salad. Then you got your BLT's, your bacon and eggs, sunny side up with toast; you got your breakfast burritos with homemade guac, maybe a mango. You got coffee pretty much everyday in bed, because I wake you up and give it to you in your hand. You got your many iterations of pasta sauces and pastas, you got a cod and potato soup with saffron, a baked trout with shrimp coctail (with chilled iceberg, duh) and trader joe's cremant. You've got baked salmon with homemade creamed corn, you have paellas every now and again, with which I don't skimp on no bullshit stock. You have mayo-type salads for sandwiches, for which I like some cold green olives as accompaniment. So does she. Loves 'em. Stuffed with anchovies is a great call. You have your jazzed up Mexican, your Asian shit. See? You've got a bunch of stuff.

Desserts, I'm not strong on. But if you like ice cream, you know, sharing a pint over a little cable wind-down, I handle that no problem.

I realize I'm a bit bonered out right now. Because she likes to pop in there, too. She's making me pesto and tortellini right now. Boo ya!


@19: marry me!


I'd hit it.


the feministing.com post and comments about this are a good and different take on this...just sayin'

mama told you, go hence fools!


o.k. sorry ! mia culpa..didn't realise about the last link:(

love slog -y- feministing though.

mama says ooops.


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