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Posted by on April 30 at 8:58 AM

War Czar: Bush seeks “someone with a lot of stature within the government who can make things happen,” says the man Bush has charged with filling this position. So is this an admission that the president has no stature and can’t get anything done?

Our Man in Baghdad: Iraq’s prime minister is purging Iraq security forces of leaders that have moved against Shiite militias and death squads.

Dim Bulbs: Americans don’t like those energy-saving light bulbs.

Poor Circulation: Daily papers continue to lose readers.

Gun Nuts: Four people dead in Kansas City mall shooting. After the Virginia Tech shooting we were warned that the body count was too high to bring up the subject of gun control. It would seem like we were exploiting a tragedy for political ends. With just four dead in Kansas City… can we talk about gun control now?

Gun Nuts 2: A young woman was the first to die in Virginia, and at first authorities in Virginia thought the shooting was “just a domestic dispute.” You know—no biggie. The children of the woman who was shot to death here Friday night in a “domestic dispute” probably don’t see it that way.

Song of the South: Check out the lyrics for Rush Limbaugh’s “Barack the Magic Negro.”

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Funny, I always thought a better name for War Czar would be "Commander-in-Chief"


Because the Drug Czar has gotten so much accomplished. We should declare war on war, as we did with drugs and poverty, that'll do it.


If someone lit Rush Limbaugh on fire, how long would his bloated corpse burn? (Please estimate in 5 minute increments.)


does the name Imus mean anything. Why the fuck is that fat pill popping nazi still on the airwaves. What can we do to get him taken off the air. This is completely ridiculous.


RE: the light bulbs... Is this seriously what happens after you've lived with someone for fifteen years? Your life gets routine enough that your fights begin to be about your sacred areas being violated by new lighting?


Rush Limbaugh Lyrics.

"Barack the Magic Negro lives in D.C.
The L.A. Times they called him that
cause he's not authentic like me.

Yeah the guy from the L.A. paper
said he made guilty whites feel good
they'll vote for him and not for me
cause hes not from da hood.

See, real black men like snoop dogg
or me or Farrakhan
have talked the talk and walked the walk
not come and laid and won (not sure about this line).

Barack the Magic Negro lives in D.C.
The L.A. Times they called him that
cause he's not authentic like me
cause hes black but not authentically.

Barack the Magic Negro lives in D.C.
The L.A. Times they called him that
cause he's not authentic like me
cause hes black but not authentically.

Some say Barack's articulate
and bright and new and clean
the media sure love this guy
a white interloper's dream.

But when you vote for president
watch out and don't be fooled
don't vote the magic negro in

(background singing the first 3 lines, while the singer is saying)

Cause I wont have nothing after all these years of sacrifice and I wont get justice this is about justice this is about justice, buffet, I don't have no buffet there wont be any church contributions there'll be no cash in the collection plate, no cash money, no walkin' around money..."

Can we all agree now that this shit has gone too far, and this nut Limbaugh needs to be exposed for the racist tard he is. And the fact that he's not the only one responsible for
continueing fear and loathing in the white community to intermingle with the black community.
What the hell does he mean by Barack is voted in by white interlopers.

That sounds like he's makeing a statement against race integration. Race mixing is a big fear amongst KKK types and neo-nazis. Seems Rush has fooled everyone into thinking this guy was on the level. How the hell does he stay on the radio? Wheres his money comming from? I'm not for taking away conservative radio but jeezuz christ on a stick.


@4: That is a scientific calculation that would involve exponents. The detrimental effects to global warming would be significant.


sorry CFL bulbs do suck. We tried to switch to them in most of our house and they are driving me crazy. In the kitchen they make all of the food look so disgusting. We've left them in but it hasn't changed. Plus I think they are sucking out my soul.


O.k. so Entertainement has the top 25 big money makers(what the hell was Seinfeld under top 10) anyhow Rush is amongst that group with with 30 million. Thats some big time money for a Racist loser in this day and age.
Rush Limbaugh

$30 million

A laundry list of controversies--prescription drug fraud allegations among them--hasn't kept listeners away from the conservative radio personality. Among the most-listened-to radio talk shows in the country, Limbaugh's program is broadcast on more than 600 radio stations nationwide.

And we wonder who's listening and who's voting. And why the entire conservative repugnant side of the frakkin Senate is voting against this Bill that means a lot for the future of America, our troops and is just plain human common sense and decency amidst the chaos. The President needs to sign that Bill. It is insane not to and if he vetos it he is going down the path of being the most remembered president because he was at this very moment against the American people and this seals it.
Sign the goddamn Bill, mr. president please for the love of god.


That light bulb article was kind of strange ... was the message supposed to be "Women don't give a shit about conservation?" I expect a one-paragraph screed from ECB by midafternoon.


The Va Tech cops didn't think the supposed domestic violence murders were "no biggie". You're putting quotes around something that no one has ever remotely even hinted at, let alone said. The reason a crime believed to be domestic violence doesn't automatically lead to a city-wide lockdown, as some have suggested it should, is not because domestic violence murders are not important, but because they don't usually lead to mass-killing sprees.

The attempt to turn the Va Tech murders into some sort of commentary on domestic violence is absurd and disgusting. Where's your judgement?


Tsm, the article wasn't suggesting that women don't give a shit about conservation; it was suggesting that women are more concerned than men with making the home warm and comforting. That may be sexist too, but in my experience it's probably true; men can be spectacularly oblivious to their surroundings in ways that frustrate and annoy the women who share living space with them.

I wish someone would do some research on the bulbs to allay my suspicions that the manufacturing process for them (and the disposal) does more harm to the environment than the savings in energy.


Hey! Let's tar and feather another radio personality for saying mildly unpleasant things! Mobilize forces, this is the number one problem in America today: jerks on the radio!

Getting off my Imus rant, it's pretty clear that the intent of Rush's stupid little parordy song was not racist at all. Rush is apparently attacking black L.A. Times writer David Ehrenstein for calling Obama a "Magic Negro." I hadn't heard about the article, I'm surprised it warranted a parody, but it's pretty obvious just from reading the lyrics that it's referring to some other incident. If anything, the parody is pro-Obama; Rush is attacking Ehrenstein for calling Obama not black enough. I guess you could say that THAT'S racist, but at this point black/white relations are so twisted that everything's racist. I believe I've said this before, but this country is so up its own ass about race that's it's frankly disgusting.


Obama or Hillary or Thompson or Mc Cain...any would be more acceptable than the Romney option. BEWARE the M & M connection. ie: Muslim and Morman. If anyone has ever worked for a company that was bought out by Mormons, they would realize the threat of our White House being put in the hands of that so called religion. More like a cult run by gestopo tactics. Their believes are dictated to all employees as required policy changes, like it or leave is the message. BEWARE...


#14 Ok . Ok. Valid point. But I still think Rush is an ass. Not a cute ass. Not a pretty ass. But one of those fat cottage cheese crater like pimply asses that are all fugged up.


Fnarf @13:
The CFLs last a lot longer than traditional light bulbs, so the manufacturing/disposing them would have to be a lot worse than for regular bulbs for CFLs not to come out ahead.
We have lots of the CFLs in our house. Not in every socket, but plenty. I like 'em. Readers of the Post article who haven't tried the new versons of these are going to imagine that they are like the flickery, buzzy flourescent light bulbs of yesteryear, the one's that made everyone look slightly green. The modern versions are way better. Their color spectrum is not identical to daylight, but let's face it, neither are those of incandescent bulbs! I think the light of modern CFLs actually does a better job of approximating the diffuse (not direct sun light) that comes in through a window at midday, better than incandescent bulbs do. What CFLs don't do is resemble incandescent bulbs as much as incandescent bulbs resemble themselves. Take daylight as your model, not incandescent bulbs, and you'll come to like CFLs better. These days when I wander at night into a room we're still lighting with incandescent bulbs, I think, "why is everything in here so red?" As for romancing the wife, do what I do: cook dinner, turn ALL the lights off, and set out some candles. Thirty years from now, we'll all remember incandescent lightbulbs as the technology that didn't do daylight as well as CFLs do, and didn't do candlelight as well as candles do.


That article on the CFLs had so many dumbass stereotypes, I was wondering if it had been written in the 1950s. I'm the one in our household replacing incandescents with CFLs - my husband could give a shit. Then again, I'm the one who pays the power bill, so maybe that's why I care more than he does. It does irritate me that most of my light fixtures still won't fit the CFLs; the bulbs are slightly too long and slightly too wide for a number of fixtures.

Oh, and it's my husband who does all our decorating, since I have no decorating ability at all. And he's the one likely to buy a lightbulb at the grocery store, since he does the grocery shopping. I'm the one likely to buy a bulb at Lowe's or Home Depot, since he HATES going in those places (he's in construction, and he doesn't like any of the big box stores - all "home decor" and no hardware).

All generalizations are false when applied to individuals...


I've replaced all my lights with CFLs but except for the environment they completely suck. They are so dim I've had to by halogen lamps for the living room and bedroom so I can read without getting a headache.


RE: Gun Nuts

The shooter was a security Guard at Target in the Mall, according to CNN.


This comment thread has probably long died out, but....
People, CFL bulbs come in a wide variety of brightnesses. Just like, you know, the old-fashioned kind of light bulbs did (remember 25, 50, 75, 100 watt bulbs?). If it's dark in your living room, get a brighter bulb. The point is, however much light you were getting out of your old-timey incandescent bulb, you can find a CFL that puts out the same amount of light but uses much less power.














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