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Media Slog Poll: Who Are the P-I Pissers?

Posted by on April 20 at 16:45 PM

Of course we’d rather be bringing you the alleged video of Seattle Post-Intelligencer staffers allegedly pissing on the Seattle Times front lawn, but while we wait (and hope) for the video, a Slog poll:

Which of the following P-I staffers do you think is most likely to have been part of the alleged piss parade? (We hear there were probably multiple pissers, including a woman who supposedly squatted to mark Frank Blethen’s territory as her own, but you can only vote once, so pick the person you think is most likely to have been in the pee group.)

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What, how come I can't vote for Bill Virgin?

Seriously, he's an animal sometimes ...


Why no Joel Connelly?


the real oversight was leaving Horsey off


People that win Pulitzer prizes do NOT pee in public.


it's common knowledge at the PI...


Much to my regret, I wasn't there. But I'm really annoyed at not even being a suspect.


Dan Richman


Am I a sick fuck because I find the mental image of leather clad Susan Paynter giving a bound and gagged Ryan Blethen a golden shower kind of arousing?


Don't know what the cheering and peeing is all about when we'll all be applying to work at the one newspaper in town in 2009 - the one owned by Gannett. Enjoy it while you can.


I pee on both papers.


#4: How would you know?


I gotta pee.


Shouldn't that be "People which win pulitzer Prizes do NOT pee in public."?


@13, no, it shouldn't.

i want to see that video


wow, so let me get this straight. You were so excited that you got to keep your jobs that you pissed on the Times lawn?

Please remember that you can hate Frank, but many of those Times' employees stood by you shoulder to shoulder during the strike.

Kind of doubt that will be the case when you come pussy-footin' back in 10 years looking for a job.

Frank may be evil, but come on. Hearst? Evil-er.


So does Horsey's absence from the poll reflect Stranger staffer's respect for him? 'Cause I read the list 3 times looking for him :)

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