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Letter of the Day

Dear Stranger: I am writing to tell you that I found your “Jesus Blog” feature to be in very poor taste. This was every bit as offensive as the infamous Dutch [sic] cartoons satirizing Mohammed. It is interesting to note that no major U.S. media outlets would publish the cartoons [though The Stranger did —Ed.], because many saw them as bigoted and intolerant. However, while other religions are respected, Christianity is apparently fair game for all kinds of low humor. Perhaps this is because offended Christians merely write Letters to the Editor, instead of burning down embassies. In any case, I implore you to be more tolerant of other’s beliefs, rather pointlessly subjecting them to ridicule for cheap laughs.

Nathan Tamm

Comments (56)


Wah wah wah.

Posted by Carollani | April 27, 2007 11:17 AM

Uh, he signed it "Sincerely, Jesus Christ."

Posted by Nick | April 27, 2007 11:22 AM

This is best letter of the day ever!

To Nathan Tamm: FUCK YOU!!!!!!

Posted by Mike in MO | April 27, 2007 11:22 AM

Media outlets didn't refuse to print the Mohammed cartoons becasue they thought they were biggotted. The refused to print them because they were afraid of the backlash. The only reason The Stranger was able to get away with it was because no one reads it. So I suppose his analysis is correct.

Sissie letter-writer.

Posted by steve | April 27, 2007 11:26 AM

What the fuck is this guy doing reading The Stranger, anyway?

Posted by Justin | April 27, 2007 11:27 AM

why exactly is this guy reading the stranger anyways? for the prostitute ads?

Posted by Vooodooo84 | April 27, 2007 11:27 AM


Posted by Mr. Poe | April 27, 2007 11:28 AM
This was every bit as offensive as the infamous Dutch cartoons satirizing Mohammed.
Frankly, they weren't all that bad. I thought the one with the cartoonist drawing Mohammad while looking nervously over his shoulder was pretty apt. Posted by wench | April 27, 2007 11:28 AM

"Fuck all religion" - [i]God[/i]

Posted by elswinger | April 27, 2007 11:30 AM

Dear Nathan Tamm,

Welcome to Seattle. I think that you will find the local culture and comunity standards to differ significantly from those in rural Kitsap County.

As to your point that letters to the editor do not convey the urgency and persuasive force of acts of violence, that was well known among the Christians durning the Cruisades. They put down their quill pens, rushed to Jerusalem, cut the heads off of Muslems and Jews, loaded the heads into their catapults and pepperd the town with flying severed heads. This had a far more substancial effect on the locals than any letter to the editor of an alternative weekly newspaper.

Perhaps you should consider storming Seattle with your Christian breatheren, and starting your own inquision. I'm certain they would never expect it.

In the mean time, you might want to hurry home and let the pigs out before they ruin the furniture.

Posted by RainMonkey | April 27, 2007 11:38 AM


"Perhaps this is because offended Christians merely write Letters to the Editor, instead of burning down embassies."

Yeah, except for the occassional abortion clinic or gay bar but those people deserve to die anyway.

Posted by monkey | April 27, 2007 11:40 AM

how can he implore someone to "be more tolerant of other's beliefs" when he was the one who just said "offended christians merely write Letters to the Editor, instead of burning down embassies." so it's ok to associate all of Islam with embassy burning, but when you make a joke about christianity it is suddenly different? what a blatant hypocritical asshole.

Posted by Cook | April 27, 2007 11:43 AM

I was offended by the Mohammed cartoons because most of them weren't very funny.

Kinda like how Marmaduke is offensive.

Posted by Jordyn | April 27, 2007 11:45 AM

that guy needs a sense of humor, for sure. but, uh, rainmonkey, i doubt he had anything to do with the crusades. while his point about muslim voilence is uncalled for, i think berating a living christian for the crusades is kind of silly as well. maybe sillier.

Posted by infrequent | April 27, 2007 11:47 AM

Dear Nathan Tamm,

Shut the fuck up asshole.



Posted by Sally Struthers Lawnchair | April 27, 2007 11:54 AM

that's more like it!

Posted by infrequent | April 27, 2007 11:55 AM

The Mohammed cartoons weren't nearly as funny as the Holocoust cartoons that ran in Iranian newspapers. Those were truely classic...

Posted by Mike in MO | April 27, 2007 11:56 AM

Dear extremist religious complainer - how come we Pastafarians don't get as much air time as you radicals?

Posted by Will in Seattle | April 27, 2007 11:58 AM


The Stranger ran the Mohammed cartoons despite the risk of a backlash. Obviously, anyone is fair game, even those who burn down embassies or blow up abortion clinics. In short, grow up.

Posted by keshmeshi | April 27, 2007 12:04 PM

Why should religion be immune to parody and mockery? Not only do they get to advocate far-reaching theories of physics, ethics, biology, economy and sociology without offering evidence, but we're supposed to condemn anyone who points out how silly it all is?

There really isn't anything funnier than someone claiming, with a straight face, that a modern scientific breakthrough is wrong and/or evil because it contradicts the 3000 year old mythology of goat herders. The only thing that could be funnier is how seriously these denoucements are taken by our culture, if it wasn't so deeply terrifying.

Posted by gfish | April 27, 2007 12:05 PM

Although I am ignorant of his or her gender, I am in love with Jordyn @ 13.

Posted by David Schmader | April 27, 2007 12:07 PM

If you don't like Marmaduke, you'll LOVE this site:


Posted by Lola | April 27, 2007 12:09 PM

Nathan's choice of religious beliefs consign all nonbelievers - including all humanity unborn before his religion was invented - to burn for eternity in a quite literal hellfire, yet somehow he feels The Stranger is intolerant. What he really needs is a sense of perspective, and a free copy of Richard Dawkins' "The God Delusion"

Posted by Incredulous | April 27, 2007 12:09 PM

I think you can consider yourself a Christian, though, and not be a fundie who thinks all 'non-believers' are going to hell. I am a Christian, and not a fundie. Of course, I'm also a lesbian, so I'm off their lists anyway. And I thought the Jesus blog was sort of amusing.

Posted by Lola | April 27, 2007 12:13 PM

Dear Nathan,

How dare you cast aspersions at this flock's sincere attempt to channel the wisdom of the Prince of Peace. We are all free to worship him in our own way, be it through bible-study, obsession over baked goods with uncanny holy likenesses, or through do-it-yourself stigmata kits. We don't get upset when you ingest our lord or drink his blood, please don't throw a fit when we mock up what his text messages would be like.

Posted by dirge | April 27, 2007 12:14 PM

Time to bust out some Urban Archipelago shit on his ass

Which by the way is assigned reading for the Politics of Religion class at WWU

P.S. Dan gave a great talk

Posted by Vooodooo84 | April 27, 2007 12:14 PM

Pastafarians smear their opponants in food fights.

Dear Infrequent:

It is in the nature of religious conservatism to suggest that attitudes and actions should not be subject to change over time. Even as generations and centuries pass, what is right is right.

To suggest that living Christians have evolved in beyond the Crusades, pogroms, Inquisition, Missions to Indians in advance of genocide in the American west, the religious underpinnings of slavery, the KKK, and abortion clinic bombers and assassins.

Of course at each of these times there were other Christians who opposed these things, but that is a different tradion than the tradion that Christianity is unchanging over time.

Posted by RainMonkey | April 27, 2007 12:15 PM

i don't know which is worse, marmaduke, or the apologists who constantly try to explain it to me. and what did happen to owner's torso?

Posted by infrequent | April 27, 2007 12:18 PM

That's Owner-Man, to you, Infrequent.

Posted by Lola | April 27, 2007 12:19 PM

Letter of the Day (an unrelated prequel and a homage to Serrano's 'Piss Christ'*lync)

Hi Garrett - Interesting opportunity... I'm thinking it could be a great one for ***** (who is interested in doing pet portraits). Her bone and muscle study for last term was her dog... and that might also be of interest for a pet boutique. I doubt somehow if they would be interested in my muskrat... or hippo from last term. I'll post the link and see who's interested.

We're now into serious botanical illustration. The teacher is a PhD botanist and illustrator so I think we're going to learn a lot! First assignment, draw a fungus or lichen, a moss or liverwort, a fern, a gymnosperm, and an angiosperm. That all sent me to the plant part dictionaries for remedial botany. :-) So let me know when your opening is in ******! Happy drawing, ********

Posted by Garrett | April 27, 2007 12:21 PM

This reminds me of a big difference I have always had with fans of Jesus. It is difficult to find a picture of the guy with a smile on his face. He may have had a great sense of humor. He may have even been able to laugh at himself and at humor done in his name.

If the writer is upset about a little joke about his God then I hope he also calls out other Christians on their own bigotry.

If it turns out that your God is real then those who mock him will go to the lake'o fire. The people being attacked by Christians feel that pain here and now.

Your religion and its particular deity
will get back what they dish out.

Posted by Jebus H. Christ | April 27, 2007 12:25 PM

I thought the Jesus blog was the smartest, funniest thing the Stranger had done in a while.

Posted by Dougsf | April 27, 2007 12:25 PM

I find the Pope's comments offensive. And Kenny Hutcherson's remarks. Michelle Malkin's tender thighs make me angry as well. But I don't expect them to stop existing just because I don't like it.

Posted by Fnarf | April 27, 2007 12:31 PM

sorry, rainmonkey, every time i meet a christian now i will assume they want convert me or to kill me. because all christians are the same, and they never change over time.

and sorry, lola, i stand corrected. it is owner-man. as i am now agreeing with you, please do not kill me as you and your lesbian christian ilk are so inclinded to do.

Posted by infrequent | April 27, 2007 12:31 PM

marmaduke is almost always funny if you read the caption for marmaduke while looking at the family circle.

Posted by canary | April 27, 2007 12:34 PM

inclinded? i'm in trouble now. i meant inclined! have mercy!

Posted by infrequent | April 27, 2007 12:34 PM

apparently nathan is a homeschool kid. take that to mean what you will.

Posted by hold on to your fork | April 27, 2007 12:46 PM

I love you, Infrequent! I want to bear your children!

Posted by Lola | April 27, 2007 12:46 PM

Nathan Tamm: Pointlessly subjecting himself to ridicule for cheap laughs.

Posted by Noink | April 27, 2007 12:49 PM

One can enjoy a nice sandwich and a cool, tasty beverage while reading this excellent collection of responses to Nathan Tamm's most ignorant piece of money tripe. So - thank you to the letter writers, and to Nathan - may you be impaled by a rusty pole and acquire a nasty, terminal case of tetanus (as someone as stupid as you clearly doesn't trust doctors either).

Posted by wbrproductions | April 27, 2007 12:53 PM

Nathan and other Christians like him can now only imagine being able to control how their "god" is portrayed.
Long ago they actually had full control until some folks got the idea to write a secular Constitution that protects Christians and Atheists equally. It does not always work out that way unless we work to keep the state and the church away from each other.
Nathan, we live in a nation with secular laws. Your right to get on The Stranger's case and The Stranger's right to offend any religion are equally protected by the Constitution.

In the U.S. the first ten amendments to the Constitution trump your ten commandments. Get over it.

Posted by Linda | April 27, 2007 12:56 PM

Dear Nathan Tamm:

You obviously forgot what rag you were reading, dumbass. Go pray to jesus for some common sense, bitch.

Bemused reader

Posted by Gomez | April 27, 2007 12:57 PM

Uhm... Those Cartoons were Danish not Dutch. As an American of Dutch decent I must protest this rampant stereotyping of my woodden shod bretheren. I'm so tired of all this hate that I think I'm going to smoke some hash and have legal sex with prostitute.

Posted by JamesinLA | April 27, 2007 1:03 PM

i think i just got plans for the weekend... thank you slog! thank you jesus!

Posted by infrequent | April 27, 2007 1:14 PM

Thank you Nathan! I had not seen that bit o' comedy and I found it laugh out loud funny.
Signed, someone who values the teachings of jesus AND has a sense of humor.

Posted by portland babe | April 27, 2007 1:33 PM

No, Nathan, the Jesus blog was boring, not offensive. I didn't even make it to the end, but then again I have a short attention span so I find a lot of things bor

Posted by exelizabeth | April 27, 2007 1:45 PM


Typical beleagured christian bullshit. Sure, they can stomp all over the rights of women, demonize gays, bomb abortion clinics, molest children, and stir up righteous hatred for everyone who isn't like them, but don't make fun of them! It's so un-Christian!


Posted by chrisdiani | April 27, 2007 1:54 PM

Hold on, you mean that wasn't really Jesus' blog?

Posted by Sean | April 27, 2007 2:02 PM

Ok, so I finally got a break again and read through Jesus' blog. Is that really what has Nate in such a lather? It was mildly amusing in a try-to-be-The-Onion-but-go-on-too-long-like-SNL-skits sort of way. Props to the blog's writer for responding to comments - you'd think Nate would be happy to have his prayers be less one-way.

Anyway, maybe Nate's ticked at references to the whole spikes-through-the-hands thing being made in a jocular way? I wonder if he saw Dan Savage's Dec 22, 2005 column then? As a regular Stranger reader, he should have. It's clearly one of the greatest observations on Christianity made this century in an American city's weekly alternative newspaper.

Anyway, I quote:

" I'm presenting a heartwarming selection of how-I-lost-my-virginity horror stories submitted by my readers. What do these stories have to do with Christmas? Well, wasn't Jesus Christ responsible for the most traumatic how-I-lost-my-virginity horror story ever told? Not His deflowering: I mean His mother's. As everyone knows, Mary was a virgin when she conceived and a virgin when she gave birth. This means, of course, that Jesus busted His own mom's hymen, kicking it down like a door on His way into the world. And you thought your first time was traumatic! "

Posted by Incredulous | April 27, 2007 2:54 PM

Uh, portlandbabe, do you play for the lesbian christian team, by any chance?

Posted by Lola | April 27, 2007 2:54 PM

Christianity has, for so many people, become an easy way to exercise their victim complex, while not having to actually exert oneself, be inconvenienced in any way, or take any sort of principled stand.

Maybe I'm naive, or nostalgia has clouded my memory, but I don't remember all this whiny Christian victimization when I was young. People either went to church, or they didn't, and that was about the extent of it (and I grew up in Iowa, which is on the fringe of the Bible belt). This widespread Christian persecution mentality seems to be a rather recent thing. Let's hope it's just a passing fad.

Posted by catalina vel-duray | April 27, 2007 4:48 PM

I personally liked the Jesus Blog idea. But that baby who liked pussy? That was sick. You can Jesus Blog all day long Stranger, just don't bring back the pussy lovin baby.....

Posted by Cognitive D | April 27, 2007 5:07 PM

Damn, Incredulous, that was a seriously fucked up old Savage Love column! I must have missed that one. Thanks for the tip! :)

Anyway, I like the mention of Jesus' lamb, Karen. That blog is just straight up silliness.

Things that bunch the panties of people like Nathan Tamm are all right with me...

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