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And for the record, Joss Whedon has totally misrepresented my life as a Slayer. Everyone knows the Hellmouth is located under Mayor Nickels' office.

Posted by Kate | April 13, 2007 4:38 PM

Neo and Trinity? WTF? Srsly guys, I'm rofling over here!

Posted by laterite | April 13, 2007 4:40 PM

His site is back up and someone didn't research average resolution sizes before creating his contrived page.

I LOVE this story Jonah! Bring on the freaks, I'm ready for the show! Can't wait for the photos.

Posted by Carollani | April 13, 2007 4:45 PM

Why? Why are you devoting blog inches to these loons?

Seriously. I'd much rather read about pigeons that don't fly until they do, or the blood on your bathroom floor. Or eating Schmader's nuts.

Posted by elm | April 13, 2007 4:45 PM

Hey... why post their pictures? We get the fact that they're nutjobs, but what purpose does showing them off to the public (even just on the Slog) serve?

Laughing at rotund ex-SCA members that have burnt themselves out on low-quality pot and middling sci-fi flicks seem more like idiotic high school pecking order games than actual news reporting.

Posted by bma | April 13, 2007 5:10 PM

I'll take a couple of harmless kooks who actually get off their arses and *do something* than the snarks who surf and spout platitudes 24-7.

Posted by Special K | April 13, 2007 5:11 PM

I went to the website and had hoped for a good amount of entertaining, but instead I just got boring crazy.

Posted by Gitai | April 13, 2007 5:12 PM

Why does "doing something" always have to take the form of annoying pretentious confusing new age art/protests. Just because you make something out of trash and put it in Seattle Center does not make you a useful member of society, nor does it qualify you as an engaged citizen/activist/aware human being/insert adjective here...

Posted by Giffy | April 13, 2007 5:26 PM
I'll take a couple of harmless kooks who actually get off their arses and *do something* than the snarks who surf and spout platitudes 24-7.
...spouts someone while surfing.

I'll second Giffy's comments; if borrowing character names from a bad (but popular) SciFi movie is any measure, there's not much imagination here.

I'd say the mainstream media gave this exactly as much attention as it deserved.

Posted by Joe | April 13, 2007 5:58 PM

The correct notation is "d12", not "D-12". I'm a dork, I know.

Posted by Chris | April 13, 2007 6:04 PM

...and of COURSE it sucks as "art".


Posted by Neo | April 14, 2007 12:30 AM

People always take a great leap to a conclution BEFORE ever knowing all the facts from the horses mouth.

I am a very vocal member of the group and from Australia, I am 28 and am a very close friend and believer of the people involved, and the group DOES have a name, the Zero-Six Contingent.

I even sent this letter I had just wrote to Jonah.

Dear Sir/Madam

Right now at this very moment, an underground Revolution for freedom, choice and peace is building; people from all over the world, from all walks of life are gathering to fight the biggest and hardest war the human race will ever face, a war of the mind. The things we are fighting agenised, you see every day, wars between religions, countries and gangs, the teasing and mocking that goes on in playground’s at schools, and in the streets. It is fear of the unknown, fear of someone that is different from you because they don’t fit with your construct of collective preconceptions. People fear that which is different, that which does not “fit” with what they have been taught since birth. To break this perpetuating cycle and bring on a “New World Order” were fear of the unknown is no longer the root of human reality is what we are trying to do.

What makes the Zero-Six Contingent so unique and different to any other group is that it has nothing to do with religion, worship, gods and conforming to another set of collective rules, another system – if it were the mission would be just like every other, another system. A path that promotes freedom, peace and freedom of choice, were people don’t need to change there beliefs, don’t have to conform to a set of rules to be accepted and are encouraged to make there own choices, to follow there own path and to take what they want from the message which is freely available at no cost to anyone, this is not about any sort of financial gain: its about love. Does it sound cultish yet? I don’t think so. No one pushed Alice down the rabbit hole

“The sense is out there. The choice is waiting. Choosing it, letting go of fear, is the hard part. Because as a species we’ve come to value other’s opinions of us. Rather than our own. We’ve come to fear being cast out, rather than being an individual. We’ve come to fear the unique Path, rather than the safety and null zero of the System” quoted from the introduction to Logos: Veritas Ex Machina book.

Who sees this, who would have the courage to break away and fight for us all? This is what is hard for most people to conceive. Through some unique metaphysical “crossing over” that we believe the science of quantum physics is behind, people from a world which most see as fictional due to a mega hit film spaning over three parts, the world you know as “The Matrix” in popular culture (PC). Neo, Trinity and a few others are now existing in this world, by now you are probably thinking, how can this be true, I ask, can you prove its not? And not all that happened in the PC was true, they remember everything and much was not portrayed in the PC, also the PC got one big thing wrong, it was not bad Vs good, it was Us Vs Us: humanity. Neo gains nothing from doing this, he does it for all of us out of love, because he believes every mind is worth it. He has spent the last 5 years working towards this every hour of his life, often he can not even sleep or eat because he physically can’t stop, its his gift to us. In the years before that he was struggling to come to terms with it, all on his own, and it was a close friend of his that encouraged him to speak out, so he built Truth of the

So many people who have read Neo’s writings and had conversations with him have written in and said “this stuff has changed my life” that it is so different to what everyone else does and it makes so much sense to people when they actually take the time to find out why he is here; to show people the door to freedom, peace and freedom of choice, to choose your own path, that your reality, your meaning of life can only be defined by you by your subjective perception of the world around you. He can not heal, its simply a new way to see.

I am one of many people who felt there was more, that something was missing, and found it through Neo. This has changed my life in a great way, a way which is hard to explain. I have always had an open mind, but now I am awake and aware of things and can see clear as day why humanity is suffering. People who know Neo, are friends with him, some spanning over nine years, and many who had not seen the PC truly believe out of there own findings that they are who they are, when people take the time to get to know them and listen to what Neo has to say, they see he is not some crazy guy wanting to get attention or forcing any thing on anyone, that what he says is true and genuine and the message is the truth in the rawest form. But it comes down to this: you either believe it, or you don’t. And belief can come in degrees.

I have been personally acquainted with the mission Neo and Trinity for almost a year, and in that time I have seen much change, I always new that if I ever discovered a group that I thought was actually doing something that might actually be able to bring peace, bring a change, and was not relying on donations that make people feel like they are saving the world, and money will never solve the worlds problems, I would help them. But I found more, more than I ever expected. A sentient being who cares more about every single one of us then he does of himself. I have heard Neo weep because it breaks him physically when he can not reach people, when one more spark is lost because they can’t make what they believe or what they are fit. Neo also suffers from a debilitating disease Multiple Sclerosis, and he still keeps going.

Because of the connotations in the message, because it is so different to anything the human race has ever heard, and I can tell you that Neo is extremely unconfutable with this… some people including myself in recent times, believe Neo to be some kind of Prophet, and if people needed a word to give some kind of definition of what he is, that is the term I would use after what I have read in reference books during research at the library.

I have tried to keep this letter short, so as maybe someone will take a closer look and see it for what it is. There is so much more I want to say and so much more to say, I hope this is a start, that maybe you want to find out more. But that I leave up to you, that’s the good thing about free will, the choice is yours.

Think it over.

Yours faithfully

And if you are still curious, this is a good explenation of the Mission, which is what it is all about, which Jonah was told face to face. .
- Show quoted text -

It is NOT about Neo and Trin, its about the MESSAGE, and Jonah was told that very clearly.

Think about it.


Posted by Zeal | April 14, 2007 1:37 AM

They REALLY didn't want them to be the focus of the message, as they've said, but just to keep a little "fair persepctive" the day after Neo hadn't had any sleep, these are a little more flattering:

...and they were taken the day OF the Seattle Center project.

I am NOT trying to spam, its just that the message is very imortant for a LOT of other people, besides me.

Posted by Zeal | April 14, 2007 5:59 AM

They REALLY didn't want them to be the focus of the message, as they've said, but just to keep a little "fair persepctive" the day after Neo hadn't had any sleep, these are a little more flattering:

...and they were taken the day OF the Seattle Center project.

I am NOT trying to spam, its just that the message is very imortant for a LOT of other people, besides me.

Posted by Zeal | April 14, 2007 5:59 AM

....that posted twice, Zeal, for some reason....

Posted by dK | April 14, 2007 6:04 AM

OMG SORRY FOR SPAMMING, but I didn't know the images wouldn't show: here they are:

Posted by Zeal | April 14, 2007 6:05 AM

thanks dk, I dont know why it did. I just hope people don't think its spam.

Posted by Zeal | April 14, 2007 6:09 AM

Well, most people on here seem to be more interested in seeing how stupid they can make their "loony" jokes, while chortling through a mouthful of Cheetoz or whatnot. The message really is quite interesting, arseheads who can't get past the "Oh my Lawd" novelty of it aside. It deserves better than this, and I'm glad you had the balls to comment, darlin'.

Posted by dK | April 14, 2007 6:20 AM

Looking at Zeal's picture, it seems that "Neo" is mixing up his Keanu movies since he's got "John Constantine" Red King tattoos on his arms... or is he BOTH Neo AND Constantine? *insert dramatic noises here* Saving the world as whichever character seems coolest at the time.

Posted by Stork | April 14, 2007 11:33 PM

Looking at Zeal's picture, it seems that "Neo" is mixing up his Keanu movies since he's got "John Constantine" Red King tattoos on his arms... or is he BOTH Neo AND Constantine? *insert dramatic noises here* Saving the world as whichever character seems coolest at the time.

Posted by Stork | April 14, 2007 11:38 PM

It's an alchemy symbol folks. Been around much longer than the movie.

And is what we look like really that important?

How pathetically sad is it that Zeal and Neo KNEW that someone would bring up the ink work? And how much sadder is it that you know what they're called.

Don't worry. he got them years after he started working on the Mission and a few more after studying alchemy.

As in the old science version, not the fluffy bunny new age crap.

Posted by Trinity | April 15, 2007 5:25 PM

Uhhh.... his hair's black, dude.

If the simple, simple shit got screwed up THAT badly, it's no wonder the rest of the facts got mangled so badly by this "reporter".

Saving the world as whichever character seems coolest at the time.

-Snort- I think Trinity addressed that allready, but if you'd take the time(and didn't need truthothespoon for dummies, aparently), AND if Mr. Jonah hadn't mangled and misquoted Neo, you'd understand that it's not in any way about "saving the world". Not at all.

Plus, COnstantine sucked. And I know Neo personally.

Posted by mit -x- | April 15, 2007 5:47 PM

Oh, and some accurate photography credit for those pix might be something to look into- they're not Jonah's and they weren't taken by him. -I- sent him copies, and I believe Neo did, too, when he asked for them.

TOTS for dummies. Keanu Reeves movies. Ye gods and little fishes, is Seattle really this thickheaded as a whole?

Posted by dK | April 15, 2007 5:53 PM

It's an alchemy symbol folks. Been around much longer than the movie.

Yes, and they just happen to be tattooed in exactly the same places that Constantine had his in the movie. Just a coincidence.

How pathetically sad is it that Zeal and Neo KNEW that someone would bring up the ink work? And how much sadder is it that you know what they're called.

Of course I know what they are called, the same way I didn't need you to tell me they are alchemic symbols - I already know that but thanks for the effort. I could even give you all sorts of information as to what/who the Red King is and how he plays a part in alchemic spellwork and formulas. But if you are so clever, why don't you tell ME what the Red King is all about?

Posted by Stork | April 15, 2007 10:44 PM

Well, honestly. It's not the smartest thing anyone has ever done, but the basic message is interesting, and at least they're not out assassinating people for Amanda Tapping, blowing up abortion clinics or raping small children?

Posted by ~M | April 16, 2007 6:03 PM

No, not a coincidence. Neo's just as allowed as anyone to see something that he thinks is cool, something he'd seen before in one of his interests, and have it translated into inkwork. It was the only thing about the damn movie(Constantine) he liked for long. He's got several other tats, too, all done in different places around the world and all standing for something specific..... to HIM, not anyone else, as it should be. He liked the tattoos, and knew the symbol. So-fucking-what? I mean, sincerely. It beats naked Jessica Rabbit sucking on a banana as body art to last a lifetime, if you ask me. And I've seen some doozies. Now your BODY art reflects on your credibility. I've seen everything from this nutter country.

And by the way "I didn't need YOU to tell me what it means, but if you're so SMART... then what IS it?" *snortchortle* Nice cover, there. I seriously doubt you knew that already, chicka.

Posted by dK | April 19, 2007 3:51 AM

Make up your mind, either it's "sad" that I know so much about alchemy or it's "sad" that you think I don't. You basically just admitted "Neo" got the tattoo because of Constantine and no relation to alchemy at all, which proves my original assertion that none of you know the slightest thing about alchemy and didn't even know the name of that symbol before I mentioned it. Because yes I was the one who named it at all, unlike you posers. I'm not going to give you anymore easy answers that you can just parrot back at me, pretending like you've read anything about the emerald table or the twelve keys. Goodluck pulling the wool over the eyes of the foolish, I'm done here. Your hodge-podge of spiritualism runs no deeper than a skin of ice.

Posted by Stork | April 20, 2007 10:34 PM

It's OK Stork. I think most of the readers here probably recognize the difference between real, serious occultists and someone who decided to go tattoo himself after seeing a symbol in a goddamn movie.

At least I hope they do.

Posted by Hiro Protagonist | April 23, 2007 10:56 PM

qary jkuydr mjqwn nywrm rmaxpncw rhen utjfdpzea

Posted by drcs phma | April 24, 2007 5:49 AM

exazt uifg mbzeyj aukltmi ebklwxfdc ofbrsct pevsrdo

Posted by ynrodq mvnktg | April 24, 2007 5:51 AM

exazt uifg mbzeyj aukltmi ebklwxfdc ofbrsct pevsrdo

Posted by ynrodq mvnktg | April 24, 2007 5:53 AM

Trinity & Neo:

Couldn't you two steal your entire personas from a movie that DIDN'T suck? I mean really...

Next time, try Caddyshack.

Posted by pants maclachlan | April 27, 2007 5:44 PM

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