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Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Dept. of Troubling In-house E-mail

Posted by on April 11 at 14:15 PM

Subject: Unpleasant Situation

Hello 2nd Floor Denizens,

This is a difficult email to write, but the time has come.

A couple weeks ago, I encountered blood on the bathroom floor. Not wanting to touch it, but not wanting anyone else to have the same unsettling experience, I cleaned it up. Today [REDACTED] encountered the same thing. Blood on the bathroom floor and some on the toilet. Left there, for the rest of us to enjoy or avoid at our own discretion.

First of all, I hope that everyone here is okay and not bleeding profusely from some horrible stapler accident or friendly punch to the nose from a co-worker. These scenarios probably not being the case, I move to admonishment. What the hell?! This is absolutely ridiculous and absolutely unacceptable. It is unsanitary, inconsiderate, and makes me think badly of everyone who uses the restrooms on this floor.

Stop this behavior. If you make a gross mess, clean it up. Don’t leave it for others to make it magically disappear. Our cleaning service comes twice a week. If [REDACTED] did not take it upon herself to clean and disinfect the area, it would probably have remained like that until Sunday when our crew comes again.

I would really like to not have to deal with this situation again. Be an adult and clean it up.

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