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Baby Steps Toward Blogger Code of Conduct

Today’s New York Times has an interesting story on a subject that should fuel discussions and arguments for the next few years: the creation and enforcement of a blogger code of conduct.

Some of the basic proposed principles are laid out here, and so far there’s nothing too surprising or oppressive, just old standards—no threats, no libel, don’t feed the trolls—made official. “The aim of the code is not to homogenize the Web, but to make clearer the informal rules that are already in place anyway,” said blogger/lawyer David Weinberger told the NYT.

Full story here, and interested parties can submit conduct proposals here.

Comments (3)



- The examples cited are extreme.
- This is really just whining from bloggers who can't take the constant stream of criticism that comes with being a blogger.
- How do you enforce this, and how do you maintain integrity among bloggers to not abuse their moderator status? It's pointless.

Posted by Gomez | April 9, 2007 11:38 AM

Yawn. Code of conduct, my ass. If you want one on your blog, get one (lots and lots have them already), but thinking you're going to impose one on the entire internet is stupid. I'm not sure what annoys me more, the bloggers' innate nannyism, or the bloggers' inflated self-importance, thinking they've got to describe this spectacular world-changing paradigm thingie like they have. These are the people who seriously tried looking at themselves in Time Magazine's cover mirror, and were impressed by what they saw there.

Posted by Fnarf | April 9, 2007 11:51 AM

Whats the next item on the list to slam citizens with the back hand of ego.
Everywhere we are its the same even without the internet. Everyone telling someone to shut up they don't hear themselves think.
We all don't belong to the click. Some are outsiders and some are SAS agents. Or sassy agents and full of surprise. Or BS. Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men.
But I would rather not be trapped in only a universe full of only Gestapo websites proclamating how the 2nd comming is next Sunday.
You ever read the your daily media comments. Its like the British fighting the Americans, Black vs white and knowing its just plain insanity at its finest. I guess it all boils down to how we all have different interpretations of the meaning of the "f-word"
Haveing the Stranger open editorials which the Blog world was intended for is a relief for some.
Not all of us have time for back and forth chit chat and some forgot what forums are for. AAAGH who am I kidding.
I just like to talk to myself.

Posted by Fear and Loathing in blogvegas. | April 9, 2007 12:29 PM

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