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love the Cold Comfort Farm reference...

Jen knows her books as well as her art!! she's a renaissance gal!!

if she worked at the Times, that would be the name of her column...

Posted by michael strangeways | February 12, 2007 10:13 AM

"if she worked at the Times, that would be the name of her column..."

Goddamn that's funny. And sad.

Posted by David Schmader | February 12, 2007 10:20 AM

I am so glad that she works at the Stranger instead of the Times, even if I don't always agree with her views on art, her writing is always educational, inspirational, and FUN!

Posted by Sarah Moon | February 12, 2007 10:33 AM

Cold Comfort Farm was a movie too. Jen will have to weigh in: well-read Renaissance woman or connoisseur of mid-'90s satirical BBC dramas?

Posted by annie | February 12, 2007 10:43 AM

Jen, you do know what a goatse is, right? Because to me THAT's the real horror invoked by this photograph.

Posted by DrewVSea | February 12, 2007 12:26 PM

hmmm....anybody need a band name?

i'll sell you 'renaissance gal' for 5%.....of gross...

Posted by michael strangeways | February 12, 2007 12:38 PM

Hello guys!!!
Best for you :)

Posted by ParisSexHiltonS | March 1, 2007 1:11 PM

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