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Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Oh. My. God.

posted by on January 23 at 12:39 PM

From the New York Post (via Shakes’ Sis): Hispanic New Mexico Gov. Richardson “Throws Sombrero Into the Ring.”

No, really.

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Still doesn't top this.

Posted by Redshirt | January 23, 2007 12:44 PM

I bet, if they could, they'd have El Mariachi playing when you click that link. And he would be riding a donkey (or "burro" as the natives call it) in the picture. And he would be eating a quesadilla (with the Ls pronounced). And he would be drinking some tequila, and then getting in a shipping container and smuggling himself into our country, where he will proceed to steal the job of president from a white colonial American.

Posted by Ari Spool | January 23, 2007 12:53 PM

they'd have El Mariachi playing

You mean Robert Rodriguez's character from the film, El Mariachi- or did you mean they would have Mariachis playing?

Posted by SEME | January 23, 2007 1:10 PM

Oh I love it... maybe Carlos Mencia could be his VP!

Posted by Suz | January 23, 2007 1:11 PM

Erica - Stop. Save yourself.

You're young. There's still time to make a course correction. Go towards the light girl.

You've become a schoolmarm nightmare in the making.

You make Joni Balter look like a free spiritied water sprite.

Female activism does not need yet another dreary scold!

Wait... let me punch that last line up with Erica-speak:
...yet Another. Dreary. Scold.

Posted by Blanchard | January 23, 2007 1:19 PM

Richardson doesn't have a hope (for reasons such as: but would make a really great candidate for V.P.

Posted by Shawn | January 23, 2007 1:28 PM

Why are you so suprised? Have you ever read the NYPOST? It's a joke paper. I am far more amazed that you are suprised than that they printed that.

Anyway Richardson does own a sombrero.

Posted by Andrew | January 23, 2007 1:36 PM

I know it's a silly, stupid, tasteless headline, but it doesn't become racist until you start talking about it. You know what I mean? The word "SOMBRERO" means hat in spanish!
Not so fucking racist is it? If it were a Jew and they said he had thrown his yarmulke that might be racist, but just using the spanish word for hat is NOT racist.

You are crossing the line by talking about it so much.

Posted by Andrew | January 23, 2007 1:40 PM

I'm half Filipino. Can you imagine the headlines if I made enough of a name to run in, say, 2016?

Gomez Brings Lumpia and Adobo Into Race

That was weak. I dunno... what do Filipinos wear?

Posted by Gomez | January 23, 2007 1:41 PM

So why is it racist to use a spanish word for a latino man? I think it's just stupid. But using the word isn't racist. Hearing the word "Sombrero" and thinking of a fiesta and chimichangas as Ari Spool has is racist.

Posted by Andrew | January 23, 2007 1:46 PM

There's racist, then there's racial - and then there's humor. Lite-en up. It's funny - or did you think it anti-miliary and not funny when Mort Sahl said of ex-General Alexander Haig's entry into the WH race years back: "He's tossed his helmet into the ring."

Posted by Blondie | January 23, 2007 1:50 PM

"Hillary throws skirt into the ring"

"Obama throws own black ass into the ring"

The issue here isn't the definition of "sombrero". It's the issue of racial or sexual stereotypes being used in headlines.

We all know Hillary has a skirt.
We all know Obama has a black ass.
We know the NY Post posts wacky, provocative headlines.

This is not surprising for the Post. But the defense of the use of the caption is some Vice Magazine style backpedalling bullshit.

Posted by matthew fisher wilder | January 23, 2007 1:58 PM


what do Filipinos wear?

A baron. A Filipino version of the Cuban guayabera or as gringos call them, Mexican wedding shirts.

Posted by SeMe | January 23, 2007 2:11 PM

Hats, matthhew, hats, stick to the metaphor. Aside from the profane nonsense - backpedalling bullshit, whatever dat means - do you have an actual point to posit?

Posted by Blondie | January 23, 2007 2:12 PM

Shouldn't the title read:

Ay. Dios. Mios.

Posted by him | January 23, 2007 2:21 PM

Blondie@14, you really think this whole issue is only about HAT metaphors?

Posted by matthew fisher wilder | January 23, 2007 2:39 PM

The black ass comment is the worst straw-man argument I've ever read. Who ever said anything about "black ass", Matthew? You! No one else! So what does that have to do with anything?

If the times runs a headline, "Latino Richardson declares his candidancy for Presidant" no one thinks anything of it. "Richardson throws sombrero into ring" is the Post's stupid way of saying the above. It's not at all any more racist (by definition of the word) than the times headline, it's just far more stupid. But so is the NYPost.

Posted by Andrew | January 23, 2007 2:46 PM

Andrew - we have an english word for "hat," which is "hat." Try :
"Sombrero means hat in Spanish. In English speaking countries it typically refers to a type of hat originating in Mexico." FYI, the NYPost article linked is published in English.

Do you have some sort of proof he owns a sombrero by the way? I would guess he does, but you sound like you have something beyond an expectation.

"I know it's a silly, stupid, tasteless headline, but it doesn't become racist until you start talking about it."
Well, shit. Erica talked about it and now it's racist - the NYPost is pissed! They didn't want this to be taken that way at all!

Posted by RL | January 23, 2007 2:54 PM

NYPost wasn't racist (haven't I said that enough?), Ari Spool's chimichanga rant is racist.

Okay, I don't know if he actually owned the sombrero I saw him in, but he had a sombrero in a childhood photo they showed on CNN here.

Posted by Andrew | January 23, 2007 3:06 PM

I actually mostly agree that this is just stupid and tasteless. But if folks feel differently, and want to create a ruckus in the hopes of changing the NY Post's behavior, I'm not really against that.

Latino's are discriminated against in this country. They are stereotypically associated with sombreros. Having a caption that un-necessarily uses the word sombrero can be interpreted as being racist if the intent was to ensure that those who dislike latinos are very aware that Bill Richardson is one, even if they only see the headline. I can't say for sure that was the intent, but if people read it that way, I can see their point. Matthew has it right.

Hilary Clinton throws fancy flowered hat into ring.
Barrack Obama throws cute african hat thing into ring.

It's not white-hood strength racism - just your everyday sort of azn are smart racism.

Posted by RL | January 23, 2007 3:12 PM

@15 You win an internet, sir!

Posted by RL | January 23, 2007 3:18 PM

"They are stereotypically associated with sombreros."
Well, either sombrero means "hat in Spanish" or "mexican hat" to you, in which case, you ought to associate it with latinos...
Why associate it with Swedes or Chinese? That argument is weak at best.

There's nothing wrong with pointing out Richardson is Latino. The idea "saying Richardson is Latino is somehow bad" is racist. That was your point, RL, and you are confused. Sssshhh! Don't mention he's latino because there are racists out there!

Regardless of whether latinos are descriminiated against, there's nothing wrong with being latino or pointing out someone is latino. It's only wrong to think that would be wrong.

Posted by Andrew | January 23, 2007 3:23 PM

RL nailed it.

Would it be ok for the Post to use the headline, "Hilary Clinton throws fancy flowered hat into ring?" I mean, that just points out that she's a woman. Nothing wrong with that at all.

Posted by keshmeshi | January 23, 2007 3:30 PM

Yes is absolutely would be okay to say "fancy flowered hat." it would be really fucking stupid, but okay. Pointing out she's a woman is not bad!

A headline "Ms. Clinton declares candidacy" is not sexist.

Posted by Andrew | January 23, 2007 3:35 PM

It's bad when no one points it out specially when candidates are men, or white.

What the fuck kind of hats do white people wear? Baseball caps, I guess? Toques if they're from a cold state (yes, I'm Canadian)?

Posted by Gloria | January 23, 2007 5:33 PM

Will someone please save us all from the inane ravings of Erica. Fucking. Barnett. Please.

And yes, the NY Post is a joke of a paper, but we're all reading The Stranger, so if that ain't the pot calling the kettle black...

Posted by GoodGrief | January 23, 2007 10:32 PM

I was offended by the "sombrero" remark, can you imagine if the Post has written "Barak Obama chucked his spear into the race???" Or "Hillary Clinton tosses her apron into the race"?

Jeez. What have we come to?

Posted by Cara Valente-Compton | January 26, 2007 9:50 AM

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