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Posted by Noink | December 3, 2006 10:19 AM

Same here.

Posted by ica | December 3, 2006 10:39 AM

Wasn't this canceled?

Posted by M | December 3, 2006 11:06 AM

Noink and ICA are right. The protest has been cancelled.

Here's tha announcment from People Against Fundamentalism:

Will there be a protest on Sunday, Dec 3?

People Against Fundamentalism set out three goals for the protest, clearly stating that if these goals were met, we would call off the protest:

To alert the city of Seattle to Mark’s pejorative language.
To see Mark removed as a religion columnist for The Seattle Times.
To see a sincere apology from Mark for his comments and a pledge to cease demeaning women in the future.
We believe that these three objectives have been met.

With the national media attention focused on Mark’s words over the last few weeks that objective #1 has been reached.
As I learned on Wednesday, and Mark confirmed Thursday night, The Seattle Times has removed Mark as a columnist, so objective #2 has also been reached.
With the apologies and commitments during the discussion Thursday night and with Mark’s blog post expressing sorrow for his language and pledging to change his rhetoric in the future, the third objective has been reached as well.
People Against Fundamentalism is hereby calling off the protest of Mark Driscoll at Mars Hill Church’s Ballard campus on Sunday, Dec. 3. We will be issuing a press release as soon as possible on Saturday morning and contacting the media with this important information.

Posted by Josh Feit | December 3, 2006 11:06 AM

Interesting how the whacko evangelical christian right is eating itself right now. The Evangelical, normally considered rightwing Christian School, SPU, has come out against Driscoll, who seems to be such an idiot that other people on the creepy christian right wing even think he's worth taking a stand against. SPU has even had Driscoll teach at forums at the university on Gender Roles in the Church. But now the University seems to be changing their warm acceptance of Driscoll's extreme teachings. Amazing this guy can exist in a city like Seattle. I wonder when he'll move all his zombie followers to Markstown in some South American country.

Here's the article from Seattle Pacific's School Paper

Staff editorials
Mars Hill Church protest: it's time voices are heard
By Staff Editorials , Editorials Board
Published: 11-29-2006

The buzz created by Mars Hill lead pastor Mark Driscoll's comments in a recent blog about Colorado pastor Ted Haggard's adulterous scandal has resulted in the organization of a peaceful protest. The protest will begin at 10 a.m. on Sunday outside the Ballard campus.

According to -- a local grassroots organization -- the protest is meant to expose Driscoll's "anti-women" discourse relayed through his blog and sermons. The organizers also want Driscoll removed from his position as a religion columnist for The Seattle Times and a "sincere apology" from Driscoll for his controversial comments.

The creator of the Web site, Paul Chapman, states in a blog entry dated yesterday that the protest's goal isn't theological debate nor is it meant to convince anyone to stop attending Mars Hill.

The furor is mostly over a post on Driscoll's blog that discussed why the former pastor Haggard got involved with a male prostitute. In the post, Driscoll wrote, "It is not uncommon to meet pastors' wives who really let themselves go; they sometimes feel that because their husband is a pastor, he is therefore trapped into fidelity, which gives them cause for laziness."

His statement clearly implies that if a pastor's wife does not take care of her body and appear in a way that is sexually arousing to her husband, the pastor may be led to seek sexual gratification elsewhere.

What is most disturbing about Driscoll's comment is his focus on a woman's physical appearance as being the maintaining factor of fidelity in marriage.

His argument may have been more credible if he had expressed that if pastors' wives stood strong spiritually, challenging their husbands morally, intellectually and not wearing an outward shell of faith their husbands would have less reason to fall into adultery. As it stands, though, Driscoll focuses on the physical aspect and has not relented.

Regardless of whether people realize it or not, Driscoll holds influence over many non-Christians' perceptions of the typical believer. His religion columns for The Seattle Times reach people of all different beliefs and creeds. His recent inflammatory statements do not represent the majority of Christians in the Seattle area.

Whether or not the coming protest will illuminate Driscoll's perceived "anti-women" discourse, extract a sincere apology for his comments or encourage his resignation as a columnist for The Seattle Times, it is important that people recognize what Driscoll says if they support him.

We at The Falcon encourage all who are able to attend the protest on Dec. 3. The event is a warranted exercise of free speech and there is no reason to take anything into it other than Driscoll's own statements.

The protest's goal should not be to argue, but to bring Driscoll's words to light, in order to tell the unadulterated truth.

Posted by Meinert | December 3, 2006 11:14 AM

The Times has a religion column?

Posted by What's the Times? | December 3, 2006 2:44 PM

I sincerely hope all of you who hate the Gospel of Jesus Christ and his followers are right. If you are, we'll all end up in the same place after we die--in some happy place where everyone pats themselves on the backs, or in oblivion, where it won't matter what we believed.
But if you're wrong, good luck burning in hell.

Posted by jv | December 3, 2006 9:25 PM

You Mars Hill folks have totally bought into the lie. Now questioning an arrogant, brash, foul mouthed, insult spewing, hate peaching 'pastor' equals hating the gospel of jesus christ (whatever that is, since jesus didn't write any gospels). The line for coolaide in Ballard is getting longer.

Posted by Meinert | December 4, 2006 7:41 AM


Spending eternity with right (wrong) wing religious sociopaths like Driscoll would be hell for me, so it looks like I’m going to Heaven either way.

So there – HA!

Posted by Andrew | December 4, 2006 9:12 AM


How very Christian of you.

Jesus would be proud.

Posted by keshmeshi | December 4, 2006 12:33 PM

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