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Thursday, December 14, 2006

Casuelitas update

posted by on December 14 at 19:14 PM

I just returned from a canceled PTSA meeting at Thurgood Marshall Elementary in Judkins Park, where the most exciting agenda item concerned the new liquor license application from Casuelitas Island Soul, a nearby restaurant that’s been trying to sell a little beer and wine with their spicy vittles. Co-owner Theo Martin first applied early this year only to have his license rejected by the board because of the school’s opposition—mainly from principal Winifred Todd. Since then, Martin, who grew up in Judkins Park, has been rallying the support of his neighbors, who think a nice restaurant serving alcohol would not produce hoards of marauding drunks. They actually think it might be a good social anchor for the community. Martin has reapplied and, last week, asked the liquor board for a formal review of his case. I managed to corner Todd for about five seconds at the school and asked her if she would share with me her point of view. She said “I have no point of view,” and directed me to talk to the school district’s legal office.

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You do realize that virtually everyone who is now addicted to "pot" started with a beer or a glass of wine.

A "spicy drumstick" and a beer may look innocent -- but consider the cold hard facts of what happens to people who started with beer!

Posted by Seattle Man | December 14, 2006 9:09 PM

I love that restaurant. Good luck to them.

Posted by Sean | December 14, 2006 10:31 PM

It would be nice to believe that the district told her to take the rhetoric down a notch but Winnie sounds like quite the bully. I can imagine she flees from grownup conversations and mature interactions whenever possible. Typical of the educrat caste.

Posted by let's get some shoes | December 15, 2006 11:11 AM

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