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Thursday, October 5, 2006

Dueling Attack-Ads in the 8th District

posted by on October 5 at 16:05 PM

Today the National Republican Congressional Committee launched this anti-Darcy Burner ad:

While the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committe launched this anti-Dave Reichert ad:

UPDATE: The Burner campaign is promising to resopnd rapidly to Republican attacks, and has posted this “Truth Watch” page on the Burner web site, along with this reponse to today’s NRCC commercial.

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You mean, there are some taxes that Burner is willing to allow? How un-American of her. This country won't be as great as it could be until all taxes are abolished for all time and the US Gov't conducts its wars using play money printed in China.

Posted by david | October 5, 2006 4:06 PM

Good lord this shit is tiresome. Why vote for any of these witless hacks? It's high school all over again.

Posted by Wells | October 5, 2006 4:09 PM

I just saw the anti-Burner ad on TV. I kept thinking that the ad was slinging mud at her, and the glops of mud flying at the screen just kinda underscored that. It kind of undermines its own message.

Posted by Lark Hawk | October 5, 2006 4:25 PM

Is that all the right wing has? Way weaker than the "Dave Ross wants you to die" message from 2 years ago.

Posted by DOUG. | October 5, 2006 4:36 PM

David, in case you haven't noticed, the federal deficit is on course to be halved since GW Bush took office. The "unexpected revenue" from the tax cuts have brought record high stock markets, low unemployment, and low inflation. If you want to throw all this away, then vote for Darcy and that dingbat Pelosi will help to unravel our prosperity.

Posted by Proud Gay Republican | October 5, 2006 4:42 PM

The economy has predictable up-and-down periods. When Bush took office, the economy was headed for the crapper. Now, it's back up. Clinton's economy was much stronger, even after he raised taxes. Tax cuts do not equal economic growth.

As you pointed out, PGR, the deficit will be halved, but it will still be hundred of millions of dollars and will continue to add to our several million dollar debt.

Posted by keshmeshi | October 5, 2006 4:51 PM

The economy has predictable up-and-down periods. When Bush took office, the economy was headed for the crapper. Now, it's back up. Clinton's economy was much stronger, even after he raised taxes. Tax cuts do not equal economic growth.

As you pointed out, PGR, the deficit will be halved, but it will still be hundred of millions of dollars and will continue to add to our several trillion dollar debt.

Posted by keshmeshi | October 5, 2006 4:51 PM

The deficit won't be halved. That's complete bullshit. We're running record deficits year after year under Dubya, Stupid Gay Republican.

Posted by DOUG. | October 5, 2006 5:28 PM

PGR, you are completely full of shit.

When Bush took the helm, the US had a budget surplus of $236 billion. His undisciplined spending and reckless tax cuts erased that surplus and then some. By 2004, Bush's government was running a record setting deficit of $415 billion. FYI, the Congressional Budget Office estimates Bush's cumulative budget deficit at $2.3 trillion!

That number, staggering though it may be, still vastly underestimates the consequences of Bush's fiscal missteps, as he also raided the Social Security trust fund. When the government repays that money, as it is required to, it will find itself flushing another 2.3 trillion down Bush's economic toilet.

So anyway, your claim of "the federal deficit is on course to be halved since GW Bush took office" is factually false as there was no deficit when he took office. The best that could be said is that Bush's budget deficit for 2006 is only half as bad as Bush's deficit for 2004. Talk about damning with faint praise...

Posted by Bullshit Detector | October 5, 2006 5:39 PM

Don't feed the trolls—unless it's cock. They like cock.

Posted by Dan Savage | October 5, 2006 5:47 PM

Hey Mr. Savage, since when are alternate viewpoints "trolls"? I don't see the PI Editorial Board calling Rich Lowry or George Will trolls.

Posted by Proud Gay Republican | October 5, 2006 6:14 PM

The deficits are on tracked to be halved, and Iraq is on track to becoming a model democratic society. Praise Jesus for George W!

Posted by david | October 5, 2006 6:46 PM

The RCCC one looks like their throwing shit all over the screen.

Posted by Giffy | October 5, 2006 7:47 PM

I know you're being sarcastic David, but both statements are essentially true. Our own country took a lot longer than Iraq to arrive at a constitution. Yes it was another time, culture, and dynamic but you can't discount the fact that most of Iraq wants a free society and for the USA to get the hell out of there; which is what we all want, including the White House, as soon as Iraq's security forces can take over. It will take years. It will take patience and diligence.

Posted by Proud Gay Republican | October 5, 2006 8:25 PM

Back to the point, that Republican ad is weird and dumb.

Posted by superduper | October 5, 2006 8:36 PM

And so is the Democratic one. This is how it goes.

Posted by Wells | October 5, 2006 8:48 PM

PGR: Yah but during the time between the end of the revolutionary war and the adoption of the constitution, we weren't blowing each other up and cutting off each others heads.

Posted by Giffy | October 5, 2006 10:11 PM

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