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Tuesday, September 5, 2006


Posted by on September 5 at 5:03 AM

Starbucks quotes a senior fellow at the pro-intelligent design Discovery Institute on its coffee cups.

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I'm not troubled by this. First off, the quote seems only peripherally about ID. And anyway, Starbucks puts quotes representing all kinds of perspectives, which is the point. They also put this quote on their cups, for example.

Since you'd have to be a moron to go to a Starbucks - honestly, they've either dumbed down all of their drinks, or really dropped the ball on training - I wouldn't worry about the quote being too subersive.

I used to really like Starbucks, but now they are the coffee equivalent of McDonalds: Only suitable for road trips.

Yay, diversity of opinion. Out of all the quotes on the cups, that one's probably the only anti-progressive one (maybe there's one other).

Anyway, whoever posted this just admitted how rarely they go to Harbucks. (Which isn't really something to be ashamed of, but still glaring.)

Yay, diversity of opinion. Out of all the quotes on the cups, that one's probably the only anti-progressive one (maybe there's one other).

Anyway, whoever posted this just admitted how rarely they go to Harbucks. (Which isn't really something to be ashamed of, but still glaring.)

So long as ID isn't taught in science class, or presented as a legitimate theory, I say let the Discovery Institute proclaim it. Haven't about half of their incontrovertible examples of intelligence been shown scientifically to have occurred by natural selection and evolution?

The more light shone on any belief that starts and ends with "and then a miracle happened" is bound to be disproved eventually.

I don't mind at all that that's on the cup. $BUX has plenty of left-leaning quotes (as Gabriel noted), so why not something from the other side that makes you think?

I'm inclined to agree with these folks. Starfucks is hardly the equivalent of any sort of education facility, a little pithy quote is going to be about as culturally effective at changing society as ferret salad recipes.

Well, they did create Intelligent Design while drinking coffee and writing down the myth about ID on a napkin. so it's kind of appropriate.

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