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Friday, September 22, 2006

They’re Coming to Get You Barbara

Posted by on September 22 at 10:12 AM


According to a September 20 ABC News Online article promoting an upcoming appearance of Fox News host Bill O’Reilly on ABC’s 20/20 to promote his new book Culture Warrior (Broadway, September 2006), O’Reilly stated that he receives “death threats on a daily basis,” and that it’s “a little disconcerting” that “the FBI came in and warned me and a few other people at Fox News that al Qaeda had us on a death list.”

Al Qaeda has Bill O’Reilly on a death list? Man, that’s some scary shit.

A federal law enforcement officer reportedly told the website Radar that he is “not aware of any FBI agents warning anyone at Fox News of their presence on any list” and that he is “not aware of any Al Qaeda hit list targeting journalists.” Radar also noted that one “correspondent” at Fox News said that “neither he nor anyone he’s spoken to at the network has been warned by the FBI,” and that “the government has warned Fox about threats in the past, but I don’t think they involved specific people.” Radar also reported said that Fox News media relations director Leah Yoon stated that the network had “nothing to say” about O’Reilly’s assertion, because “[w]e shouldn’t be shouldering the burden of something he said on someone else’s network.”


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keith olbermann had an interview with someone from radar last night; it was pretty entertaining


I hate that fucking asshole. He is such a delusional dick.

Olbermann's persistent attacks on Bill O'Really are the funniest thing on TV. He's such great material: thinks he has his own police force, thinks the terrists are out to get him, thinks that the moon is made of cheese. What would we do without our Bill?

I believe they threatened to kill O'Reilly in the shower using a falafel.

btw- nice Night of the Living Dead reference...

I heard that the sex police were going to practice waterboarding O'Reilly.

The problem is, he might like that.

Bill O'Reilly is a pompous blowhard. He makes me embarassed to be a middle-aged white guy. At least I'm not as blotchy or out of shape as he is.

The funniest thing I've heard about his is how he always talks about his "rough upbringing" in a 1950's LEVITTOWN!

There were several Levittowns, and they were the epitome of white-bread suburbia: The inspiration for a million songs, articles and stories about the safety and banality of suburbia.

But that's not the best part: When asked about this version of his upbringing, his elderly mother was insulted, and pointed out that he was NOT from Levittown, that they had had a very nice house, and had vacationed in Europe several times (which was a bigger deal back then than it is now)

Seriously, the guy's a joke. You'd have to be retarded to take anything he says seriously.

Cat> his audience validates your last remark.

Nothing Bill O'Reilly or Faux News related should ever be taken seriously. They are not a legitimate news network, only a Republican Party propaganda machine. They're the American version of Pravda, the newspaper of Soviet Russia. "Pravda" means truth in Russian, but the news was pure partisan lies -just like Faux News.

Um, doesn't Al Queda have ALL OF US on a death list? Like the entire freakin' country?

Bill just needs to feel "special".

O'Really does have his fans. When we last visited my wife's 9,000-year-old great uncle, who is otherwise a terrific fellow, but a little bit around the bend, it was quite comical watching him repeatedly grasp his large-print edition of O'Really's book and start to wave it at me, obviously about to launch into a familiar diatribe, only to have his still very compos mentis wife put her hand on his arm and tell him gently, "no dear, we don't want to talk about that". He did this several times. It was kind of cute. If you can't give the elderly a little slack, you don't deserve any consideration yourself.

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