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Monday, September 11, 2006

HUMP: The Great and the Gross

Posted by on September 11 at 12:15 PM

Attack of the Ninja Fluffers! made me want to take a vow of celibacy.
—As David Schmader notes in his Slog post (“Peeking between my fingers at a screenful of something—male ejaculate? female ejaculate? rubber cement?—dripping out of a Pirate Damsel’s vagina. [There’s nothing more to say.”]), I think I can add one more germane comment: “EEEEWWW!” That way leads not to wood.
—To the actors in Fucking Seattle: that took massive balls and ovaries. For the sequel, shall we see your antics in the Space Needle?
Ignis Faatus reaffirmed my belief that anything filmed in slow-motion is sexier, especially an ass slap. If I had gone with my usual contrarian instincts, I would’ve voted for this arty flick.
—By contrast, The Booker Hoss Show, with its sped-up, quick-cut, gang-bang sequence, proved to be exactly the opposite: extremely unerotic. However, bonus points for using unexpectedly poignant John Lennon songs on the soundtrack.
—I caved in to consensus opinion and chose as my favorite Cum on Love!!! Bo Logan Is Waiting. The woman was exceptionally hot, the premise was cleverer than that of most porn, and the climactic sequence reminded me of the sex scene in A Clockwork Orange. I love humor and I like porn, but usually not together. However, Bo Logan has a keen talent for, uh, conjugating the two. I hope he and his partner have a blast in Las Vegas.

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Re: Fucking Seattle. The film was fascinating for its mise en scene and hot for the stars' enthusiasm. The thing that threw me was that the man kept referring to the woman as his sister in the most unbelievably creepy way ever. Am I the only one who caught that?

The man was on the phone with his wife claiming to be showing his sister around Seattle. I don't think the woman was supposed to be his sister—that was the lie the man was telling his wife. He wasn't with his sister at all, but with his hot piece-on-the-side.

That makes more sense and is less creepy. Thanks. During the screening I attended, there was some chatter about the previous film during the first seconds of the film, and I missed that important distinction.

On a side note: the movies all butted (snicker) right up against each other. Five seconds of black screen between each film would have acted as a nice transition/palate cleanser.

I actually thought Booker Hoss was among the best, simply because it was totally done (PUN INTENDED) for laughs and didn't take itself seriously (especially the intros, "This is our wheel that my dad didn't come over to help me finish...." and prize announcement). I mean, hell, the fuck scenes were ran at double speed.

The part near the end where she nearly shit herself was the grossout moment for me, tho. Also, when she spoke at the end, she sounded disturbingly familiar....

Re: Dan Savage's clarification of the plot of Fucking Seattle:

"The man was on the phone with his wife claiming to be showing his sister around Seattle. I don't think the woman was supposed to be his sister—that was the lie the man was telling his wife. He wasn't with his sister at all, but with his hot piece-on-the-side."

Um, no. They were supposed to be brother & sister. The incest angle was supposed to be what creeped people out; not the squirting.

unfortunately, i was unable to attend any screenings of HUMP! but i heard stories... stories that made me wish i hadn't taken the easy road by making a heart-felt film about love, laughter and deep sexual relations. in retrospect i also wish i'd done more involving the gorgeous miss kitty-lynn's curvatious bosom. oh, regret, you are a bitter-sweet bedfellow.

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