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Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Racial Profiling

Posted by on August 15 at 6:00 AM

The Brits are preparing to do the unthinkable.

THE Government is discussing with airport operators plans to introduce a screening system that allows security staff to focus on those passengers who pose the greatest risk. The passenger-profiling technique involves selecting people who are behaving suspiciously, have an unusual travel pattern or, most controversially, have a certain ethnic or religious background.

The system would be much more sophisticated than simply picking out young men of Asian appearance. But it would cause outrage in the Muslim community because its members would be far more likely to be selected for extra checks.

I’m not going to say anything one way or another about this. But I will pull a quote from this column written just after 9/11 by Slate’s Michael Kinsley:

When thugs menace someone because he looks Arabic, that’s racism. When airport security officials single out Arabic-looking men for a more intrusive inspection, that’s something else. What is the difference? The difference is that the airport security folks have a rational reason for what they do. An Arab-looking man heading toward a plane is statistically more likely to be a terrorist. That likelihood is infinitesimal, but the whole airport rigmarole is based on infinitesimal chances. If trying to catch terrorists this way makes sense at all, then Willie-Sutton logic says you should pay more attention to people who look like Arabs than to people who don’t. This is true even if you are free of all ethnic prejudices. It’s not racism.


Until recently, the term “racial profiling” referred to the police practice of pulling over black male drivers disproportionately, on the statistically valid but morally offensive assumption that black male drivers are more likely to be involved in crime. Now the term has become virtually a synonym for racial discrimination. But if “racial profiling” means anything specific at all, it means rational discrimination: racial discrimination with a non-racist rationale. The question is: When is that OK?

The tempting answer is never: Racial discrimination is wrong no matter what the rationale. Period. But today we’re at war with a terror network that just killed 6,000 innocents and has anonymous agents in our country planning more slaughter. Are we really supposed to ignore the one identifiable fact we know about them? That may be asking too much.

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"Until recently, the term “racial profiling” referred to the police practice of pulling over black male drivers disproportionately, on the statistically valid but morally offensive assumption that black male drivers are more likely to be involved in crime."

I'm not exactly sure what the difference is between the two. How is it less morally offensive to make the assumption that Arab, or "Arab looking" men are more likely to be involved in terrorism.

Not even mentioning the rather silly notion of profiling people, some of whom only 'look different' because of cultural artifacts. I highly doubt a terrorist is going to show up in a turban, with a long beard and flowing robs shouting death to America. That doesn’t even happen in the movies.

I think that profiling would just further the false sense of security we have about travel.

We are using, in many cases, 70's era X-ray machines that don't catch a lot of stuff. Just this morning, they admitted that taking off your shoes and running them through the machines does nothing.

We are being screened by unmotivated people who are paid minimum wage, and not allowed to unionize. Checked baggage, by and large is not even being screened.

Remember the Pan Am flight that was bought down by a bomb in a boombox (as we called them in my day)? That was carried aboard by a naive young white girl.

What about the non-arab whack jobs out there? If we decide we are just going to screen the A-rabs, does that make it more tempting, or easier, for a white supremicist to hijack a plane just to take hostages?

Finally, in the "they-all-look-alike-to-me" department, what's to stop an Arab terrorist from getting a fake ID and "passing" as a Latino? Is that another "them" we should be screening as well?

And as far as current screening goes: My best friend was born and raised in Iowa, but looks like he just got off the boat from Saudi Arabia. He's the most harmless, goofy, intelligent, liberal, non-religious guy in the world, but when he's not actually smiling, he can look a bit intense. Everytime he flies, you can be SURE that he gets some extra attention in the security line, and about half the time they find a reason to keep him behind and do the extra wanding on him. I guess you could say that since they are already doing it, they should just make it official. He expects it's going to happen anyway.

But in the final analysis, by the time they are in line at security, it's too late. The real work needs to be done, as it was in Britain, by law enforcement. Those law enforcement agencies were working on a tip from a fellow, non-terrorist, (who are the vast majority) Muslim.

Giffy is right. This whole notion is reverse logic, lazy, and rooted in xenophobia.

The fact is, there is no way "profiling" arabs is going to make us safer. The idea that it is "fair" or "justified" to target one "type" because 0.001% are terrorist is stupid. And in reality, it asking for trouble.

Arab and Muslim groups have complained since 9-11 of being profilled. Frustratingly enough they never speak out against the mindbogling bigotry again women, religious and ethnic minorities, and gays in their own culture. Therefore I turn a blind eye against their complaints about things like this.

To me, the major problem with this argument is the last bolded line: "Are we really supposed to ignore the one identifiable fact we know about them?"

The problem is that we only think we have the ability to discern this "identifiable fact." We would be wrong much of the time in attempting to identify it. And by trying to identify that fact, we will unavoidably put less scrutiny towards other facts and we'll pay for it. We'll be looking for what we think we know, while the real danger will walk right by. These people who want to kill us are not idiots, they're only insane. They don't all look like what we think they look like, and they'll adapt to our system, which will signal to them exactly how to avoid extra scrutiny.

So, apart from the moral questions (which are nonetheless significant), the problem with profiling is that it doesn't work. If you stopped every Arab-looking male at an airport for a complete search, inside and out, you might feel safer, but you wouldn't be safer.

And really, nearly all of our security measures are designed only for that - to make us feel safer, like something is being done. Sure, they'll discourage random kooks with poor planning and probably catch some people too. Ultimately, though, if someone wants to blow up an airplane, they will. Sucks, but it's true. We can make it harder, but these fuckers are determined, and any bias we show tips our hand. It works against us.

So the solution, imho, is not better screening, it's better police work and rational domestic and international policy that gets at the roots of the problem instead of making it worse.

Oh yes Jane, I agree. There's ABSOLUTELY nothing wrong with discrimination as long as the people who discriminate also discriminate. That's why I'm comfortable with racism. Have you HEARD some of the rap music?

Well it worked so well for them when they killed that guy in the subway because they thought he was a "terrorist" I'm sure they've got a much better racial profile now.

Catalina brings up a good point: whether or not it is law, racial profiling is taking place all over the United States and UK. I am a dark-skinned jew, and whenever I get tan I ALWAYS get checked.

Nevermind laws to discriminate, in the United States we make laws to HELP STOP discrimination and unfair execution of laws by society. A recent example of this is affirmative action, but it dates back all the way to our founding father giving us the right to overthrow the Government if it stops serving our needs. A law to INCREASE already existent racism hasn't been seen since, well, segregation.

Racial profiling exists on the personal level. I guess by our silence we have spoken that this is acceptable, but institutional condonement of racial profiling is exactly what it sounds like: RACISM.

JANE DOE: you get into REALLY dangerous territory when you accuse an entire group of people of acting a certain way. The Arabs don't speak out against racism? Just like the gays give people AIDS or Latinos sneak across the border illegally? Oh and don't forget about the Priests: they rape little boys. Why don't we just kill all of them?

The fact is I know a number of Arab activists.

Profiling is an excellent method of political scapegoating. It helps elected officials (and/or their administration) say: "Hey, we know who is likely to do this and we are taking action to protect you (maleable morons of the public)."

It's the same principle that is used in the arguments about same sex couples destroying marriage.

"We know" who causes harm - assumed guilt only unraveled with the time and expense of proven innocence by those accused.

Predicting who the future criminals are and incarcerating them in advance of their crime - wasn't this covered in the book/film Minority Report?

It makes for great science fiction.

There seems to be conventional wisdom that people in the United States will repeatedly state no matter what the evidence to the contrary. Some examples from the right are "global warming is a myth" and "traditional values are under attack". From the left we get "the recent increase in terrorism has nothing to do with radical Islam." It's really too bad that people are so dedicated to their respective dogmas that they will ignore any evidence that doesn't support their position.

First of all, the US is already engaged in any number of kinds of racial profiling. It's not "unthinkable." It's widespread practice that takes on any number of guises (selective enforcement of the war on drugs, unconstitutional and unaccountable spying targeting certain communities, etc).

Second: Thank god for the thoughtful responses above. Maybe the Republican nut-jobs and dipshits who think it's cool and contrarian for people in Seattle to take a hard right wing view from time to time don't get up early and Slog? I sensed the worst when I saw Dan's posts. But thankfully, people seem to know the rap already: profiling is an ineffective and racist practice that creates a false sense of security by harrassing innocent people and actually drains resources from more effective and selective forms of law enforcement. Voila.

Tiffany, I don't think anyone on here has said "the recent increase in terrorism has nothing to do with radical Islam." Most people are saying that racial profiling, right or wrong, doesn't even work.

Let's all remember that racial profiling led the British to mistakingly execute a BRAZILIAN who was acting "suspiciously" in the London Underground. Maybe it was the plain clothes men chasing him waving guns or something.

Terrorists are not going to be wearing the stereotypical monikers when on a mission. Need I also remind us of the half-African American, half white guy who was profiled at the Hiram Locks.

Muslim terrorist groups are already working to recruit white-looking European Muslims, especially Bosnians and Albanians, because they don't fit the profile.

One thing this sort of profiling is very effective at accomplishing is generating the kind of ill-will in the Arab community that is one of the stated objectives of groups like Al Queda. If Arabs and people who might be mistaken for Arabs are routinely harassed it tends to lend more credence to the extremists' claim that they are not welcome in "the West" and that they should therefore align themselves with their natural Islamist allies.

Radicalizing moderates is one of the main goals of terrorism.

Within the context of the top post, “racial profiling” is a safety blanket. It has little to nothing to do with racism as a mechanism of hate. Its more of a mechanism of blind ignorance. It’s a way to calm the nerves of the GW BUSH American flying the American Skies.

Many Americans believe in WMD's, the Book of Revelation, and "Islamo Facists". Those beliefs collide with the need to take the kids Disneyland while they are still young, and well, those sorts tend to be a bit jumpy while flying anyways. It makes them feel good to pour out the Pepsi into the common liquid container, it makes them feel good to have the shoes x-rayed, and it makes them feel good to know that there is extra "attention" being paid to those passengers who look like the enemy of GW BUSH.

Let’s not forget, those are also the same folks who back at home have plastic tarps, duct tape, and a home “emergency preparedness kit”. As opposed to those who are like, well, if shit happens, then it happens, could I just get on the plane now?

"Radicalizing moderates is one of the main goals of terrorism."

It is also reasonable to conclude that moderates become radicalized by imposed democracy, Christianity and capitalism.

What is a reasonable/rational response to resist the hegemony of the West? No, I don't advocate blowing up planes. I do wonder what people are supposed to do if they don't want to be Americanized. Write to the editor? Start a blog?

OK, so no one likes profiling along racial/ethnic grounds.
What about getting profiles down to the individual level? (That sounds like "police work" of a sort.)

For example, take a look Which Travelers Have 'Hostile Intent'? Biometric Device May Have the Answer.

I'm sorry to insert one more film/book reference, but this sounds like Blade Runner (film version of a book with a long title "...electric sheep").

The technology works by detecting passengers who are "...trying to disguise an emotion."

If they start using this method of screening, I will never be able to fly. Being surrounded by Christian heterosexuals and their tainted offspring rouses often unpredictable emotions in me - from rage and indignation to resentment and fear.

Maybe I'll be a good American and start my own airline: Stepford Air. Our motto: "Fly the way you live - with your eyes and your mind completely closed."

Is there quantifiable evidence that racial profiling never works? I agree that it's wrong, but the argument that it never works seems a little off. It's kind of like the claim that torture never works. Actually, sometimes it does. The French used it to bring down the insurgency in Algeria. Sure, they had to torture thousands of people (some estimates have that number at 100,000). It was reprehensible and horrifying, but it did work.

In my post time stamped 9:59 I refer to the article linked in Seattle Man's post from 9:44.

Sure, racial profiling is a great idea... if I'm a terrorist. If I'm "arab looking", I'll just stay out of the sun for a few months (easy to do in Seattle in winter), dye my hair blond, put on a bit of face powder, and I'll look whiter than Dan Savage. Then I can walk right past those security stooges at the airport who are busy looking for dark skinned, dark haired A-rabs (most of whom will be Hispanic, or Italian, or Jewish, or lighter skinned african-americans, but you know they all sorta look alike). Stupendous idea!

Strange how Dan agrees with Mr. Kinsely's use of the "rational basis test" to systematically discriminate against Arabs, but expresses outrage when the government uses the same test against homosexuals. I believe both instances are blatantly discriminatory, regardless of what interests are involved.

I was under the impression that less then 20% of the world's Muslims reside in/originate from Arab countries (see: Indonesia). Are people going to be pulled out of the security line for, say, looking Malaysian? Where does the "rational basis" for profiling end and paranoia begin?

keshmeshi, ask israel how that works. they started profiling against traditionally dressed arab men. the terrorists noticed this, so they started sending women and children to blow up sbarro's. we like to think of terrorists as crazy, thoughtless, evil people, and while i'd agree with the evil, and probably the crazy part, they are excellent planners, and aren't going to fall for stupid traps like "Look for the guy in the turban." are we suppose to hold up paint swatches next to people's arms to see if they are darker than "burst sienna"?

You guys have pretty much covered it already, but I want to strongly second the notion that this kind of profiling DOES NOT WORK. If you single out the "Arab" men, the terrorists will use women. If you go for them, they'll use white Europeans. Profiling by race doesn't work AT ALL, and in fact is counter-productive, because you will have a false sense of security.

Really, this has all been studied to death. Purely random searches are MORE effective than profiled searches. And the best of all is behavioral searches.

Ask the most security-conscious people of all: the Israelis. The suicide bombers disguise themselves perfectly as Hassidic rabbis. They don't do ethnic profiling because it DOESN'T WORK.

They don't scan your shoes, either.

The reason for scanning your shoes and confiscating your harmless liquids has NOTHING to do with security and EVERYTHING to do with the fetishization of obedience, which is the classic response of the unimaginative. And the soon-to-be-defeated, I might add.

yes. i agree - racial profiling should start right away ...

from now on, white, male, straight conservatives will be cavity-searched upon entering any public building. all documents will be seized and analyzed, along with a heavy telecommunications surveillance program (including internet). the world has suffered enough under their reign of terror.

Can we at least ATTEMPT to set the racism overtones aside for a moment and think about this?

So, if it's not okay to use race as a factor in "profiling," then is it discriminatory to use age and sex as well? (The terror suspects are often young men.)

While no longer true, the old hijacker profiles used to look at people paying cash and/or purchasing one-way tickets. Is it discriminatory to "profile" folks who don't use credit cards?

My point is that it's important to debate whether or not the "profiles" are accurate and being developed properly, but why should we dismiss a piece of it simply because of our own fears of discrimination?

Discrimination occurs when there is no RATIONAL reason for the offensive act. Is there really no rational reason for properly developing a working profile when it comes to police/intelligence work? Why should we waste our time pulling aside 80-year-old grannies with walkers who are traveling with their families?

levislade said: "Tiffany, I don't think anyone on here has said "the recent increase in terrorism has nothing to do with radical Islam." Most people are saying that racial profiling, right or wrong, doesn't even work."

levislade, allow me: the recent increase in terrorism has nothing to do with radical islam.

the recent increase in terrorism has everything to do with radical neo-conservatism.

Next band name: FWA - Flying While Arab.

It's like DWB, but with cooler Middle Eastern music influences.

oh, and guys, you're still safer flying than you are driving - period.

stop living in Fear like the Bushies want you to.

Yeah, I know the risks, heck, I'm surprised it took them this long to use WW II methods like liquid explosives - you do remember your early Bond movies, don't you? But they're still overreacting and not in an effective manner.

The UK terror ring was broken up last week not by airport screeners systematically humiliating "Moslem-looking" men in airports, but by a tipster, coupled wih a lot of good police work. THAT is what actually thwarted actual terror. It is just a guess, but I'm willing to bet that the tipster in question also was pretty darn Moslem-looking. If our government sets about humiliating Moslem-looking people, the police are going to get less help from Moslem-looking people, and we'll all be thwe worse off fr it.

YES, terrorists these days are predominantly Moslem. No one says otherwise. But Moslems are not predominantly terrorists. We and the rest of the world rely on the goodwill of Moslems to thwart terrorists.

I dislike racism as much as anyone, but in the end I oppose racial profiling for the same reason I oppose the war in Iraq: in the long run, both policies re INCREASING the odds that I or someone I love gets blown up.

Sorry for bad typing. Only my second comment ever on the famous Stranger SLOG. No wonder I was nervous.

again, Mickymse, the problem with profiling at the gate is that all you have to do is recruit those that don't fit that profile. if they are searching young men, get an old woman. they start looking for [insert ethnicity]? just get someone who isn't that ethnicity. they look for people not using credit cards? set up some amexs through some corrupt bank in saudi arabia, and buy plane tickets.

profiling just won't work, because it is so easily tricked. we need GOOD man powered CIA work. we need translators, no matter their sexuality. we need smart ways to surveillence, instead of data mining that provides more information than intelligence agencies can sort through.

none of these things are being provided by the US right now. thank goodness the brits and pakis were on this, because you know we wouldn't have been.

konstantconsumer, I'm not necessarily disagreeing with you. Your point would be that "profiling" in general doesn't work, so we shouldn't use it.

Fine with me. Of course, we all should probably point out that taking our shoes off and removing hair gel and iPods from our carry-ons doesn't really help EITHER.

Since I don't believe either is likely to change soon (Incidentally, was anyone aware that taking shoes off was an OPTION before now?), why not push our police/intelligence officials to take care in developing profiles?

Well, that's al Qaeda's trump card. They know we won't seek out their agents by race, because Americans by and large are afraid of the social ramifications of racial profiling.

They got us. Snicker snicker light the fuse.

Thank you, Homerow, for mentioning what no one else has: there is a reason there are so many terrorists out there...and if we were to stop our actions in the middle east (and rest of the world) trying to force others into our way of life while controlling their oil terrorism would cease to be much of a problem.

Um, Homerow, couldn't "radical neo-conservatism" be used as a euphamism for "radical islam"? And Dianna, of course that would work. By ceasing to "force others into our way of life", the terrorists will stop trying to force us to into their way of life. Terrorist actions are merely payback, not missions in and of themselves.

Only Israel can use race in deciding "right of return". If you are of the Jewish race, then you have "right of return". That's because of all the races, the Jewish race has been most oppressed. But if any other country uses race for security reasons, then it's racist. Seattle is very racist. Only white people live in Seattl and if England uses race in profiles that's racist, but Seattle people are too racist to criticize England.

Bruce Schneier, a well-known security "guru", has a good article on racial profiling and why it wouldn't really work. It includes a lot of the things that were said here but is still worth reading:

I'd really prefer that the profiling stop. I have a Hebrew last name that begins with "ben" and the ignorant fucks at TSA have been smart enough to notice the similiarity to "bin," but too stupid to know that it wasn't Arabic. I got pulled aside every time I boarded a plane for two years. Meanwhile, all the people who were Timothy McVeigh clones just walked onboard, unmolested.

The real I.D. act will take effect in 08.The new I.D. will contain RFID technology.This new technology will allow the govt to track these cards anywhere in the world via satelite.These cards will hold information about your whole life down to your dna and a reitna scan.So you see we will all be montitored starting in 08.The govt will be able to track anyone with this card.Without this new ID card you will not be able to open a bank account or fly.So you see in the near future there will be no racial profiling because if you dont allow them to track you 24/7 with your new ID your not getting on a plane or even opening a bank account.Do you trust the Federal Govt to Monitor your every move in the name of national security?It seems I have read a warning about this some where oh yeah the BIBLE!

Before 9/11, the worst terrorist attack on American soil was the Oklahoma City bombing, right? So, after that, did the authorities single out white guys with red hair, or ex-military personnel? Based on McVeigh, those people were statistically more likely to be terrorists, right?
Pretty soon Congress will require everyone who isn't born again to have an RFID chip installed.

Racial profiling seems to be the karma that comes around to those who have something to hide. I am Swiss, and if the Swiss were the once known in the world to blow up planes and buildings, I would have no problem being checked at the airport for everyone else's safety. After all, I would have nothing to hide.

...only thing the enemy will always have in common is religion... once we get past the religion and the extremist manage to start recruiting non-muslims... then we got a bigger problem. For now, if you're Muslim, you will have to deal with more intense security checks... sorry, no way around it. Terrorism works both ways. So, take it or leave it is my advice.

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