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Monday, August 7, 2006

Dakota Fanning: No Rape Scene for You, Young Lady!

Posted by on August 7 at 16:56 PM

Dakota_Fanning.jpgWeirdly enough, investors for the new Dakota Fanning movie where she gets brutally raped are getting cold feet, and have decided to de-invest.

Investors have withdrawn cash from controversial movie HOUNDDOG - which sees child actress DAKOTA FANNING appear in graphic rape scenes. The child star’s mother and agent are hopeful that Fanning’s part in the controversial film will win her an Oscar but the team has been lambasted by critics who fear the role will jeopardise her childhood and horrified investors have withdrawn some funding after seeing the upsetting scenes. A crew member says, “The movie is dynamite in every sense of the word. I think it will shock people, especially in the deep south where it is set, because of the rape scenes and others in which Dakota is stripped down to her underpants, but in pure theatrical terms it will either become a cult classic or surprise everyone by sweeping the board with awards.

You hear that, eight-year-old girls across America? Get a rape scene, get an Oscar. (And we thought Barbie was a bad influence!)

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Does anyone foresee a troubled future for this already-quite-annoying young lady? Her momma is a pimp, and the girl should be in school. This movie doesn't need to be made. Rape is not entertainment.

It's somewhere between whiskey and chicken wings, right?

I'd never heard of Fanning before this movie. Is she on the Drew Barrymore path?

Dakota Fanning is a great actor and will have many more shots to get an Oscar than doing this scene. She should pass and her mother should know better.

I ain't watching it.

dakota fanning is 12 years old, not 8.

jodie foster was 14 when she was in taxi driver and she won an oscar nomination. she played a prostitute and managed to graduate with a degree in english lit from yale.

maybe dakota will be the next jodie. give her a break.

"The movie is dynamite in every sense of the word."

Really? Every sense?

Yes. The movie can be used to remove stubborn tree stumps.

After sitting through Dakota Fanning screaming non-stop through War of the Worlds, I'll happily watch any movie in which she suffers horribly.

A play-acted rape scene is not going to take away this girl's childhood, no matter how disturbingly realistic it looks after editing and direction.

A very real celebrity lifestyle, complete with a grueling schedule, pushy paparazzi, fawning media attention, and obsessive fans already has taken away her childhood.

Maybe Dakota's childhood will be taken away, but even if she doesn't work much in her adulthood, she will have enough money so that she won't have too.

Didn't she already play a child rape victim on CSI? The scenes were not terribly graphic, but as I recall she was very young. Maybe four or five.


good point, socialarsonist

Even the Wilmington District Attorney is looking into the matter, which I'm thrilled about. So they thought they could film this kind of scene and have Fanning half nude in the movie? Wrong! You're going to get yours, and I hope they come down on you with crushing force, you money hungry, perverted pricks!

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