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Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Continuing Departures

Posted by on August 15 at 15:01 PM

Goldy is reporting that Geov Parrish has quit the Seattle Weekly, effective immediately.

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Seattle Weakly is racist and full of writers who'd be more comfortable in Red States. We don't need Seattle Weakly in this town.


Seattle quit the Weekly a long time ago.



Is anyone left writing for that rag? Are they even gonna put out an issue next week?

A writer should have a job indefinitely? Get your head out of your rarified Seattle ass. Life's a bitch and so is publishing, just spend a few days surfing Writers and editors outlive their use, readers get bored, EsIC get bored or a wild hair up their ass. You all rip on the Weekly, then lament every time someone leaves. It makes no sense. If Geov's so good, you hire him. Maybe you just don't want any change at the Weekly, because you'd have to come up with new material.

I don't think anyone at the Stranger is lamenting that all these people are leaving the Weekly. I think they're amused.
I can't imagine anyone at the Stranger is a Goev Parish fan.

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