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Thursday, August 17, 2006

Abstinence Only = A Whole Lotta Preggers

Posted by on August 17 at 10:04 AM

This would be hilarious if not for the fact that the American Taliban is helping to screw up so many young lives:

An Ohio school board is expanding sex education following the revelation that 13 percent of one high school’s female students were pregnant last year.

There were 490 female students at Timken High School in 2005, and 65 were pregnant, WEWS-TV in Cleveland reported.

The new Canton school board program promotes abstinence but also will teach students who decide to have sex how to do so responsibly, bringing the city school district’s health curriculum in line with national standards.

(Via Feministing.)

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What? Failure to teach responsible sex practices leads to pregnancy?. No way!

This is exactly the problem, and why the radical anti-American Reds in the GOP must be stopped. People forget that their "glory days" of the 1950s were a time when underage unwed mothers were at their highest point ever in our nation's history.

Now, Ivan, at least you can't get pregnant ... yet ...

I honestly wonder if some of these modern-day Puritans really believe that teenagers won't have sex if you just never talk about it. They sure seem to think that - if you give girls injections to prevent HPV, they'll have sex! if you show them how to use a condom, they'll have sex! On the other hand, if you just sing I'm A Little Ray of Sunshine for Jesus and take the girls to Abstinence Balls where they dress up and slow dance with their daddies, they'll never have sex!


Sex is the LAST thing on most teenagers' minds. Right?

That's what they believe, Geni. Rigid bluenoses are always shocked to find out that teens are aware of sexuality. I remember the day, years ago, when I first started to hate Diane Sawyer. She did a TV program about the rampant uncontrolled sexuality of kids today, you know the kind of thing, "the media is sexualizing our children at an earlier age than ever before". She tut-tutted as they filmed a group of 15-year-old boys as they ogled a Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue -- I know, I'm shocked too. Gosh, we never thought about sex when I was fifteen, good heavens, what would Jaysus say?

I don't know about you, but it usually crossed my mind about every ... um ... 0.1 seconds.

But that was when I was awake.

And we only had one TV channel. CBC even.

Methinks abstinence is a great theory, but leads to a lot of anal and oral sex.

Jewish schools teach kids god doesn't like bacon bits, and god gave every Jew a farm in Israel. Christian Schools won't teach sex education. Religious idiots are ruining our children.

We should teach all children how to wipe their ass with the Torah and Bible. They'd then give religion the respect it deserves.

I blame it all on the rap music. It makes good Christian girls into sluts.

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