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Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Worst. Story. Ever (so far this week).

Posted by on July 11 at 9:44 AM

You know what’s worse than five kids—aged 10 to 17—drowning during a church outing?

When four of the five are siblings.

Dear God.

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"The mother of the fifth child declined to comment Monday and retained two attorneys."

For what?? To sue the river? The church? GOD?

I was on the train to Portland last summer when four (I think) siblings, under the supervision of an idiotic boyfriend of their mother (or something trashy like that) were walking across a railroad bridge. When they saw the train coming he started to make the kids jump into the river, but a few of them were hit by the train anyway, and those that went in the river drowned.

Moral of the story: sometimes adult supervision isn't enough.

Ivan, the drowning happened at a state park. Mom will be suing the deep pockets of the great state of Missouri, mark my words. Oh, and the church too.

Yes, sueing God is the only way to get some justice here.

He is clearly responsible not only for these deaths, but for countless others, including today's bombings in Mumbai by, no doubt, God-loving freaks.

A good team of lawyers could finally nail the creep, sieze his assets, and slam his ass in solitary confinement for the rest of eternity. God is simply too dangerous to be let loose in society.

"It was just depressing," Panus said. "It was horrible. You have a church group out there for a good reason, a good cause. No one is out there drinking or getting stoned, and a tragedy can happen just like that."
Moore, who works at the Dream Center as a cook, said none of the children had ever taken swimming lessons.
so we can thank god that the kids weren't doing drugs, yet they were swimming in a river and didn't know how to swim (and supposedly were under some sort of adult church supervision?).

So let me get this straight: We're just here biding time and nosing into other's business until we can get to heaven (unless we're not a straight Christian, in which case we go straight to hell)

So shouldn't they be happy for these kids? Assuming they are all straight, they are up there getting fitted for their wings and tuning up their harps.

It's like the dad of the Marine who was in Farenheit 911 who was killed in Iraq. The dad is doing the media whore circuit, telling everybody how gosh-darn happy sonnyboy was to die for big oil, but unhappy that he's only going to be known for being in a movie that is anti-war.

No wonder I was such a bad Christian....

Tough luck to be sure, but a point must be made:

Edris Moore, the mother of the four siblings, said Monday outside her St. Louis home that she was placing her faith in God.
Moore has four surviving children, two of whom were at the outing. She said that it "doesn't concern me" precisely what transpired and that the children "went on to be with the Lord."

Poor Edris, mother of 8(!), is thanking the Lord, for He in His infinite wisdom just cut her motherly workload in half.

why was it children that jumped in to save them and not.... the adults?

This is a sad story, a tragedy, but I gotta ask...

I wonder how her particular god feels about the fact that her four doomed children had 3 different last names?

Christianity is the disease.
Death by drowning is the cure.

Gotta love those crazy Christians. Don't get me wrong, no one loves dead kids (except for the zombie Micheal Jackson portrayed in Thriller) but I do love the response of those involved. When ever something good happens to Christians (recovery from a disease, economic windfall, etc.) they always thanks God. Using this logic (and the logic of many SuperBowl winners) God can and does interfere in human life to make positive changes. Why then, when a tragedy such as this occurs, do those effected not curse God? It is almost certain that the mother of these kids at one time or another prayed to God to keep her kids safe. After he failed to do this she still puts her trust in him. If you are going to credit God for the good, shouldn't he be a little bit culpable for the bad as well?

i really think they should make it more exciting and more intersting i barely read it because it was not that interesting so i would not recommend this book to people if they want people to read this they need to fix it up and make a better title and everything and some people wont like it because its about diffrent religions or sumtin like that!

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