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Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Catholic Archbishop Opposed to Gay Marriage

Posted by on July 25 at 10:52 AM

No way? Really? Opposed to gay marriage? And he’s our Catholic archbishop? Golly, what’s next? A Nazi pope?

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In other news, the sky is blue.

Who gives a shit what some dude in a colorful robe that has sworn off women thinks?

"...legalizing gay marriage could bring improper government infringement on religious freedom."

Interesting way of looking at it. Doesn't NOT legalizing gay marriage bring improper religious infringement on civil rights?

... And Christianity continues on its quest to become completely obsolete.

...and what about the religious freedom for demoninations that approve of gay marriage?

If I had to hazard a guess, Dan, I'd say they think the religious freedom of denominations that approve of gay marriage is infringing upon the religious freedom of the denominations that don't. Apparently it's not fair to oppress the people who make a point of oppressing others.

This is just another reason to take government out of "marriage" entirely. Make it a non-issue. Leave mawwaige up to the churches if they want it so badly; let the State deal with civil unions in a totally non-discriminatory way (as in California).

So any church that refuses to marry gays as a matter of conscience can continue to do so without interference from the State; any church that chooses to marry gays as a matter of conscience can do so without interference from the State. And all citizens, whether they choose some sort of church marriage or not, can gain the benefits of civil partnership (ie, what is now considered marriage under the various laws of the US and the states) without any of this anti-queer discrimination that we have now.

Yep, let's get the government out of this marriage business, and out of the business of discrimination too.

Meanwhile, Pope proclaims Christ loved moneychangers and was their best friend.

I miss Archbishop Hunthausen.

Hmmm. Maybe they knew about tomorrow's decision and thought they could get one last word in edgewise.

hmmm. actually, i'm wondering if this extremely delayed entrance into the debate means that burnett was pressured to make a statement from higher up. he's obviously more conservative than hunthausen, yes, but he may not have wanted to rile progressive catholics by making an explicit statement.

Annie: Jinx on the Hmmm! ;)


he didn't know about tomorrow's announcement, but he did know that susan owens had stated that the decision was imminent. (the p-i story says the statement is dated the same day that owens leaked.)

Hey Annie, Motown jinxed you fair and square. you can't speak again until he says your name, right? Them's the rules.

This just in: Fire - Hot! Mexico - Full of Mexicans! Catholic Hierarchy - Opposed to Gay Marriage (but pedophilia just gets you transferred to another diocese)!

News at 11!

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