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Friday, July 14, 2006

Bourdain in Beirut

Posted by on July 14 at 8:41 AM

America’s favorite rock-star chef Anthony Bourdain is reportedly stranded in Beirut following Israel’s bombing of the international airport and blockage of all ports.

Still, he seems to be making the most of it: “This is a party town,” Bourdain told the New York Post. “Everyone in this city is [bleeping] gorgeous.”

Full report here.

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At least the bar is still open.

Him saying "we're not getting a show out of this" tells me he has an underachieving producer.

I hope that he can get outta there soon. Wonder if he's making the Lebanese women swoon.

I was wondering the same think about Brad Pit in Namibia. And Leo Caprio in Spain. I wonder those things a lot. I day dream about swooning stars.

Keep up the Hi-Low culture postings. As hundreds die when Israel fires American made weapons on innocent people, we like to be distracted by posings about celebrities. It's Hegel's dialectic in action.

"Princess Di has a pretty new dress".

Well, if Hezbollah keeps talking shit, everyone in that city's going to be [bleeping] blown to bits by Israel.

In response to High Low Culture: My first thought about this article was that it was good to see something that would interrupt someone's thinking that the Lebanese were all bad and deserving of the attacks. A party town? Good mojitos? Embarrased by Hezbollah? This is hardly the whole story — or even intended as social commentary — but it's not bad to make the targets of aggression sound human (especially if they sound more like those with power).

Reality is constantly flowing and changing, some Lebanese are terrorists others are party animals. It's all good and beauty can be found in any situation.

"Lebanese are terrorists others are party animals"

Lets see where that ratio goes now Israel has destroyed their economy...

I will charter a jet and a helicopter immediately and hopefully out gratitude for the rescue he will shag me senseless.

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