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Monday, July 24, 2006

Arts in America

Posted by on July 24 at 11:20 AM

Today The Stranger suggests:

‘Who Killed the Electric Car?’ (FILM) So, Annie Wagner, did you like the movie? “Yes.” Why? “Well, there are these annoying people who owned this electric car, the EV1. Rich people, like Mel Gibson, and eager activists who want them back. See, GM rolled out the cars to great fanfare and then it took them back and said it wanted to squish them.” Squish them? “GM didn’t say ‘squish.’ It said ‘we’re going to put them in this parking lot.’” Wait, why did GM recall the cars? “Well, that’s what the movie’s about.” (Seven Gables and Uptown, see Movie Times for details.) BRENDAN KILEY

Um, yeah. I do recommend Who Killed the Electric Car?, and contrary to the tone of the above item, you don’t have to be a four-year-old to like it.


A figurative sculptor favored by Hitler stages a posthumous comeback in Mecklenburg-West Pomerania. Nazis are expected to pass out pamphlets.

Which is brings us to David Frankfurter’s thesis: Evil is evil is evil.

The New Yorker on Wikipedia: “What can be said for an encyclopedia that is sometimes right, sometimes wrong, and sometimes illiterate?” Apparently, 5,500 words.

And a quick weekend roundup: Tina Fey is leaving SNL, Bruce Lee’s family is producing a biopic about him, and the fantastic novel The Angel of Forgetfulness is out in paperback.

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Wait, correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Dragon a Bruce Lee biopic?

Yes, but Dragon kicked so much ass, we need another one.

You didn't bitch when they released two Christopher Columbus movies in the early 90's did you?

I like Dagon better than Dragon.

So long Tina...

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