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« Israel. Hezbollah. Hamas. Flam... | Bush Unfiltered »

Monday, July 17, 2006

The Morning News

Posted by on July 17 at 6:46 AM

Lebanon and Israel: Still at war.

Southern California: Still in flames.

Iraq: Under siege.

Condi: In denial.

Medicare recipients: Out of luck.

United States: In a record heat wave.

Mexico: Under pressure.

China: Underwater.

North Korea: Under threat of US sanctions.

G8 summit: Overshadowed.

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Tired of the Seattle progressive/liberal shit... there's a home for you in the great Opposite-Of-Seattle-Town of Washtunca... I for one won't stand in your way...


It's five hour commute or so, but what the hell huh? Gas will be going down real soon, GW BUSH says so.

Tired of the Seattle progressive/liberal shit... there's a home for you in the great Opposite-Of-Seattle-Town of Washtunca... I for one won't stand in your way...


It's a five hour commute or so over the pass, but what the hell, huh? Gas will be going down real soon, GW BUSH says so, and its clear most of the year.

damn lag...

Red State hicks are ignorant farmers and ranchers who are dragging America back to the stone age. We live on a Blue State island of intelligent, educated people who can stop global warming and save the world.

re: heat wave... If that map full of red and red-orange isn't convincing evidence of global warming, then I don't know what is.

Phenics, red staters like you are so irrelevant.

enjoy the Bush-enhanced heat wave.

I am so damned glad I moved to Portland... It looks like Seattle is the only city with a cooler weather forcast in the continental US.

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