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Wednesday, June 14, 2006


Posted by on June 14 at 11:04 AM

Daily Kos has the goods on an embarassing gaffe by our Dear Leader this morning.

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What an asshole.

He then commented to a journalist in a wheelchair: "Hey, I'm the damn President, and I have to walk around on my own two feet, while you get to wheel around in a damn motorized chair???"

It's his own fault he's blind. He shoulda worked harder and saved his money wisely. He would have been able to afford to eat more carrots.

Hey, don't knock Bush, he's blind too. Deaf as well.

I know I'll be flamed for this, but, without seeing the actual sunglasses, I can't wholly blame the president. I don't expect him to know every reporter he has to deal with and their physical handicaps. A blind person wearing dark glasses is not always obviously blind.

Bush speaks French? What will O'Reilly say??!!

Why would Bush comment on the sunglasses in the first place? The guy's a reporter. Quit with the smart-aleck comments and listen to his fucking question. Focus!

You can view/read the whole exchange here:

While not seeming to be quite as malevolent as originally reported in DailyKos, Bush is still an idiot.

stop apologizing for Bush - that might have worked four years ago ...

Bush was being the asshole Principal or PE Teacher, demanding respect, when he should have realized that reporters would have their sunglasses off when they addressed him, both out of respect and because they might be on camera.

Typical of his insecure bullying personality.

Good point John. This is not a "gaffe."

It isn't a gaffe, but it is embarassing, I'll admit that =) Classic sitcom moment, really, and definitely worth a laugh.

As for why he'd comment on it? Who knows. Maybe he was heading down to a hangover jibe.

I can't believe he's actually in the White House...that's our mayunnnn! That's My Bush!

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