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Wednesday, June 7, 2006

The President, Podfisked

Posted by on June 7 at 11:10 AM

No, podfisking isn’t one of those exciting sex acts you usually hear about first on the Slog, although it does sound like it could be one. Podfisking is instead a cerebral/political act—an audio dismantling of another person’s argument—performed for the first time, on this very day, by Andrew Sullivan, who in his inaugural podfisk completely destroys President Bush’s recent speech in favor of a Constitutional ban on gay marriage.

Watch Jon Stewart’s dismantling of William Bennett for laughs and schadenfreude, and then click over to Sullivan for the pleasing experience of listening in on an an intellectual smack-down.

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Andrew Sullivan is such a douche--why does anyone let him speak for the gay community? Marriage does not magically make relationships or families work. It may work for some people, but plenty of families and relationships work outside of marriage. Gay marriage isn't going to miraculously make you disclose your HIV status when you're trolling for anonymous sex, Andrew, no matter how hard you wish.


Oh Eli --

Please don't tell me that you, like Dan, also have a liking for A. Sullivan. Even if you can overlook his HIV+ barebacking without disclosure (and honestly Eli, I don't see how *you* of all people can overlook that after your work on AIDS education in Seattle). You still have all of Sullivan's self-serving shilling for the Administration on other fronts, such as Iraq. (And again, Eli, I don't see how you can overlook that either).

Gay marriage is important. A constitutional amendment is plainly important. But Andrew's honking is otherwise repugnant, self-serving, and, frankly, murderous.

We don't put up with Ken Mehlman -- and we shouldn't put up with A. Sullivan either.

Unlike Andrew Sullivan, Jon Stewart is insightful and funny.

Woah, people. I don't agree with everything Andrew Sullivan writes, but I also don't see why that should prevent me from linking to him when he's produced something worth noting.

I love a good intellectual smack-down. I love watching Jon Stewart. I love it when people do creative things with web technology, as Sullivan did today. Ergo, the link and the post.

Chill out.

You give Sullivan way too much credit with the comparison to Stewart.

Eli -

The point is that by linking to Andrew you give him credibility. And that he doesn't deserve (in large part because of his deliberate attempts to spread HIV).

Just think about it: Mary Cheney has challenged the President's position on some gay issues. But instead of implying that she is a hero who happens to be conservative, I suspect that you'd probably say that she was posturing -- in light of her other positions, the way that she has used her position as VP's daughter to gain employment and lots of other bennies.

Same here. A. Sullivan is a pandering, posturing murderous creep. The fact that he took issue with the President's indefensible position on gay marriage doesn't change that.

Come on. Lots of people have smacked down GWB on gay marriage. One of the most notable is Dan Savage, right here in these pages. Can't you pick one of them to be the beneficiary of the gredibility your links bestow?

Keep on linkin' Eli!

There's not much wrong with linking to Sullivan's "podfisking" -- It's a pretty cool idea, albeit on of the most boring casts I've forced myself to listen to. Hopefully it will catch on with some of the more lively and non-hetero-indoctrinated podcasters.

But I'm pissed that yet again this crazed conservative freak is claiming to speak for us, and you didn't pause to call him on his shit. If Mary Cheney creates a new internet fad, I'd say "Wow, that's neat! And, yes, she's still a phoney cunt."

Using Robert Fisk's name in this context is unnecessarily degrading. And I found Sullivan's comments mostly banal... "He sounds sleepy." Lame link, Eli.

it should be noted that, during the whole sullivan controversey, people seemed to ignore that he was barebacking only with positive men. and he wasn't hiding his HIV status.

i don't always agree with andrew's views, and i'm definitely not a fan of barebacking (no matter your HIV status, but he's a smart guy and a good writer. this is different from mary cheney, who is pretty ignorant of "facts," kinda like her father, and who is also a terrible writer.

incest father and daughter with mother and son!

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