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Thursday, June 8, 2006

SIFF: Baby Chick Murdering Madman!

Posted by on June 8 at 16:57 PM

Brand-new reviews today: VishwaThulasi (a Kollywood musical featuring a married virgin, a humble rich man, and a baby chick-murdering madman) , Blood Rain (arson! snuff scenes!), and Malas Temporadas (hard times, indeed).

And a rant for the projectionist at the Egyptian last night: Check the aspect ratio! Poke your head out and check the sound levels! Do not allow the film to catch fire! (Seriously, folks. It does look cool to see the burning, but those frames are lost to that print forever.) Adjust the frame so you can see both the subtitles and people’s heads! Geez. That screening was seriously messed up.

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VishwaThulasi (a Kollywood musical featuring a married virgin, a humble rich man, and a baby chick-murdering madman) - yeah, it was a strange ride, that one.

Come on, wasn't it fun to:

1. watch everyone run around half-size and fat when the aspect ratio was wrong?

2. not see their heads when they pushed the subtitles too high (that was strange).

3. almost go deaf at first, then after the film burning hear this wierd warbling for almost two minutes.

Ah the subtitles and people’s heads! Geez. That screening was seriously messed up.

Still, not as bad as that Austrian Lesbian Science Fiction Vampire movie I saw a few years ago, and the projectionist never messed that one up ...

VishwaThulasi is the only SIFF movie I've walked out on. It was really more about all of the retarded projection issues coupled with itchy contacts that resulted in a lack of investment in the film after an hour in the theater.

Way to go, Josh! At least SOMEONE did!

Hey, the movie Shinobi at the Neptune last night though - that ROCKED!

I kinda wish I'd walked out on VishwaThulasi, not because of the projection problems but because it was rather boring aside from the scenery.

I don't tend to walk out of films very often; I have this naive idealistic hope that if I just stick with it it'll somehow get better. Synchronistically, that Austrian lesbian-scifi thing was one of the first movies I ever walked out of at a SIFF.

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