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Monday, June 12, 2006

Scientology in the Park

Posted by on June 12 at 13:55 PM

A source just called from Westlake Park where he is currently being amused by a Scientology Volunteer Minister Cavalcade recruiting event. He says that yellow-uniformed “ministers” are trying to coerce passersby into a tent without much luck. He’s watched plain-clothed plants (mostly teenaged girls) pretend to accept the invitation and then sit down for counseling (presumably E-meter evaluations) over and over again. My source also noticed that the whole thing is set up to funnel foot traffic in; that it’s almost impossible to walk around it. If I didn’t have meetings all afternoon I’d be down there getting metered. Anyone brave enough to go inside (and report back, with photos) will be my hero.

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I just walked by there myself. I'm kicking myself for forgetting both my digital camera and my Hail Xenu shirt today.

They do this at Green Lake often as well.

I belive this is what FlashMobs were invented for. Or should have been.

Our intrepid news intern just headed down to check it out. Come back at 5 pm for her report; we may have a newly enlightened being on our hands.

I wish I had the energy to head downtown this afternoon. I could use a good auditing.

And me and my Impeach Xenu shirt is all busy at work on the east side. Dammit!

You mock, but everywhere you turn, more and more of those in authority, those that matter, those that are successful, are operating thetans. Why is it that society acknowledges that being molested by a priest can create psychological burdens one carries with them through life, but yet it laughs when anyone asserts the equally valid truth that encounters with those not of this world create a similar burden? There is no freedom without the total acceptance of the truth, and this includes the true history of the cosmos, a history which you may mock, but which you cannot avoid.

Dear Tom,

How's Katie and the baby?

See, that doesn't sound unreasonable, but they lose me with the aliens and stuff.

Tom, total acceptance of Truth is a noble striving, but your argument speaks more along the lines of if you believe in God, then you must believe in Aliens (but, to give you that, not necessarily vice versa).

But a belief (call it a religion if you must) written by a science fiction author within the last quarter or so century needs more then good looking celebs and a marketing company to render it Truth (in the academic philosophically rooted meaning, of course).

To hell with the Operating Thetans--whatever happened to the galactic entities that overthrew and imprisoned Xenu?

They never call, they never write. . .

Now that's just crazy talk! The TRUTH is that we are but the spirit-child inhabitants of Earth released from the planet Kolob through our parent's romp on the celestial bed.

It's right here in the 3rd Testment. Duh.

No, no, it says clearly in the Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide that we are all descended from the useless middlemen expelled from some planet whose name begins with 'G'. Having spent a multitude of hours on the phone with Customer Service Professionals at a certain giant telecom company over the past two days, I consider this unquestionable.

I'm still waiting for them to explain why Xenu used DC-8s to transport the Thetans to this planet, all 78 billion of them.

Really? DC-8's? I gotta read Dianetics, it sounds super funny.

I love that bottom picture - sorry lady, I know, I know, but they aren't making 8-tracks anymore. Maybe we can just listen to the radio. That's got a radio, right?

I'm still sooooo suing all of you for this.

They're not literally DC-8s. That's just what showed up in Hubbard's illustration. Except they didn't have engines on the wings. Read the Xenu article at wikipedia, it's a blast. You gotta love a "religion" that has to have a disclaimer reading "this is not a joke, these are real beliefs". Scientology makes the golden tablets of Joseph Smith look positively sensible in comparison.

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