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Thursday, June 22, 2006

Dear Dick Kelley, Stephanie Pure, Jim Street, & Bill Sherman

Posted by on June 22 at 19:40 PM

Whenever Eli Sanders writes an article on the race in the 43rd District, some of the candidates in the race always complain: “Why did you write about him or her and not me?” (There are 6 Democratic candidates running, and I think Linde Knighton is running on the Progressive Party ticket.)

I know all you guys are anxious to get press, but we write articles about candidates when they make news. The fact that you’re running isn’t news.

Eli wrote about Lynne Dodson this week because she, a straight lady, got a surprise endorsement from SEAMEC, a gay group that issues political endorsements. The gay endorsement is super important in the 43rd, which includes Capitol Hill and the Broadway Grill.

SEAMEC’s endorsement was surprising because there’s a gay candidate in the race, Jamie Pedersen, who’s promoting himself—at least in the full-page ad he took out in the 2006 Pride Festival Guide—to be “Our” voice in Olympia. “Our” meaning…the gay candidate. Pedersen also got SEAMEC’s endorsement, but he had to share it with Dodson. None of the other candidates were endorsed by the gays.

The fact that Pedersen, whose whopping bank account makes him something of a frontrunner*, didn’t get the sole endorsement from SEAMEC is surprising. When something surprising happens—like a gay frontrunner getting an underwhelming nod from a gay group—we’re going to write about it. The ‘It” was Lynne Dodson.

You want to be in the newspaper. Do something newsworthy.

Otherwise: We do an endorsement issue. As you all know, you’ve been scheduled to come in on July 26 at noon for an edit board interview. You’ll all get a fair hearing then (just ask Casey Corr), and for good or bad, you’ll be written up in our endorsement issue.

*While Pedersen has raised the most money, as Eli slogged earlier today, Dick Kelley has the most contributors.

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I like anybody but Pederson.

"The fact that Pedersen, who’s whopping bank account..."

My question is, whose bank account is Pederson whopping? Sounds like a scandal brewing.

Noted. Corrected. Thanks. No one is here in the office to edit.

"I think Linde Knighton is running on the Progressive Party ticket."

She is. Hugh Foskett is also running on the Republican ticket, it remains to be seen which of the two will come in second.

FWIW, Dodson also received the endorsement of the King County Labor Council at their meeting last night.

Just a note on the total contributor issue--Dodson's total number of contributors (I just counted) is 579, slightly higher than Kelley. A lot of these don't show up on the on-line PDC report because there are LOTS of small contributions ($25 and under). If you look at the PDC database, you'll see $4643.50 listed as 'Total of Small Contributors' for Dodson. This represents a large number of contributors who gave $25 or less, whose names are not listed. (You can do some simple math on that and come up with a MINIMUM of around 185 additional contributors; more if they were less than $25, and there are many of those.)
--Co-treasurer for Dodson campaign

Dick Kelley has received the endorsement of six unions, including the Washington Federation of State Employees (AFSCME), Boilermakers Local 502, ILWU Local 52, Carpenters Locals 131 and 1144, and Laborers Local 440.

Since he doesn't happen to be the president of a union local, one might consider such endorsements to be newsworthy.

"Fair hearing"?

C'mon, Josh, you have to be kidding.

A lot of words may describe the Stranger's political reporting.

Energetic. Relentless, colorful.

All that.

But also sophmoric, juvenile, phony and narrow minded.

Fair? Never.

Everyone who follows local politics knows that the Stranger each year picks someone to attack -- yes, there are probably exceptions, but that's the general trend; and yes, members of the Stranger staff may disagree from time to time.

But the Stranger is not fair.

It is not a typical journalistic publication. The writers grind their axes, celebrate themselves, and really feel good about their work, expressing some displeasure when the mainstream press ignores them.

Face it, Josh. You are not fair. You make up quotes, you distort people's positions, always give yourself that last smarmy word, you trot out staw dogs and attack them, you often show a personal animus that's just plain weird. A casual check of your stories often shows that you attack people without bothering to give their response. Oddly, the measures by which you attack shift around when the old line of attack gets stale. You're hyper focused on certain topics (Team Nickels) and a lap dog for others (The Council).

All of these flaws mean that you will always remain a person of modest impact and little enduring reputation.

You know you're not fair, why try to say so?

All this suggests that Josh Feit and Bill O'Reilly have something in common. Insisting they are fair, when manifestly they are not.

Oh, and another thing Josh and O'Reilly have in commong: gargantuan egos.

Josh, you are no Walter Cronkite.

Good luck, Jaime. You and the other candidates in the 43rd deserve better.

I wonder if we'll see an article and pics of all the 43rd candidates that march in this weekend's Gay Pride parade - I've seen Dick Kelley, Stephanie Pure, and Bill Sherman march in it, but don't recall ever seeing Jamie.

Not that he wasn't in it, I just don't remember ever seeing him there.

Um? Will? Jamie was a Grand Marshal last year. There weren't two parades last year like this year, but which one were you at? Apparently not the Pride Parade.

I was too busy recovering from the Fremont Solstice Parade, and having sweet monkey love with my girlfriend. Geesh, I've marched in probably five Gay Pride parades, give me a frickin break.

But thanks for the clarification. Personally I like the Dikes on Bikes, cause that one usually has a few friends in it.

Will, break is officially freakin given. ;) Alas, it would have been cool to see Jamie Pedersen on the back of a Harley with a dyke on a bike (instead of waving from a Chrysler LeBaron convertible,) but he's Too Gay for Dan Savage as it is!!

Why, hello there, Josh and Bill O'Reilly: united their self delusions as journalists. Can I call you Josh and Bill, or should I call you Mr. self delusions as journalists?

I can't wait for the day that someone's anonymous troll tag is longer than their actual comment.

You and Lurch had a great TV show.

The key factor that The Stranger needs to report on: Dick Kelley has the campaign with the MOST GRASSROOTS SUPPORT. He has the most individual contributions (hat tip to the fancy math by the Dodson treasurer) and definitely has the most endorsements (including key unions that have snubbed Dodson). Dick has lived in the 43rd for decades; raised his kids there and is connected to OUR LOCAL COMMUNITY. Dick has MORE experience and is on the correct (left) side of MORE progressive issues than any other candidate (hat tip to Jim Street for his century of service). Jamie has more money, but he has been locked up in his fancy law firm for so long that he has NO connection to the LOCAL community (LAMBDA Nat'l does NOT count). Not surprisingly, Pedersen comes off as a political robot with no soul. Vote grassroots, vote the issues, vote for OUR COMMUNITY. Vote for Dick Kelley!

I agree, unless Pedersen wakes up and rides not quite nekked with Dikes on Bikes, he's never going to appeal to most voters.

If you're in a car, you're not out there enough. Walk the streets, or better yet get a throbbing motorcycle between your legs and gladhand the spectators.

To 'Another voter who likes Dick'--
Thanks,I guess, for the hat tip, but there was no fancy math involved. I just counted the actual entries for contributors in the database that provides the official PDC reports. Came up with 579 contributors for Dodson. I took a look today at Kelley's PDC list, and I came up with closer to 500, once you take out the duplicate entries for primary/general, but I'm not claiming to have an exact number for his count. I just think that Kelley's oft-repeated claim of having far more contributors than anyone else is, and always has been, bogus.

As long as we're playing numbers games, let's try to use comparable numbers.

It's a little odd - "Another Voter for Dick" continues to claim that Dick Kelley has more contributors than Lynne Dodson, even though
PDC records show otherwise; and now "Another Voter for Dick" claims that Dick Kelley has the most endorsements, even though a quick look at the candidates' web pages shows Lynne Dodson with far more endorsements. Yes, some unions have endorsed Dick Kelley (and, for that matter, Bill Sherman); but several of those that endorsed other candidates did dual or even triple endorsements, and also endorsed Lynne Dodson - Washington Federation of Government Employees, Laborers 440, Carpenters 131. Only a couple of unions have given any candidate other than Lynne their sole endorsement.

On the other hand, despite Dick Kelley's having worked with the Democratic caucus in Olympia, Lynne has been endorsed by more current legislators than any of the other candidates (inlcuding Kelley) - Kelley and Street lump together a bunch of former legislators with current ones to create the impression of greater support. Lynne's legislator endorsements: Sen. Karen Keiser, Sen. Adam Kline, Rep. Sherry Appleton, Rep. Steve Conway, Rep. Tami Green, Rep. Bob Haseagawa, Rep. Zack Hudgins, Rep. Eric Pettigrew, Rep. Mary Helen Roberts, Rep. Mike Sells, Rep. Sharon Tamiko Santos.

In addition, Lynne's been endorsed by scores of labor, education and social justice leaders, and hundreds of individual activists. She also has the sole endorsement of the King County Women's Political Caucus. All of this - together with the SEAMEC endorsement - reflect her long, strong history of leadership, activism and effective advocacy.

None of this in any way detracts from the good work that ALL of the candidates in this race have done. But I think it's interesting that Lynne's supporters talk about her strengths, and supporters for several of the other candidates seem to spend a lot of time trashing their candidate's opponents - particularly Lynne. I think that underscores the reality that Lynne, with a broad base of support and a large group of volunteers, has the strongest campaign.

Without being over the top about Kelley, the unions endorsed him because, among the six candidates, he has been the most consistently progressive. That, and the fact he's lived in the district more than a year or two...

Ballard pimp suggests that the six unions who endoresed Dick Kelley are "the most consistently progressive."

Ahem, did any of those "MCP" unions sign on labor's friend-of-the court brief for marriage equality? No. About two dozen other unions did, but not Kelley's.

And have any of those six "most consistently progressive" labor unions supporting DK subsequently taken a public position in support of marriage equality? I think not.

Having worked as a labor organizer myself for the past 15 years in Seattle, I am thrilled that Lynne Dodson is running for public office. I support her wholeheartedly in this race.

Holla and Happy Thanksgiving. nokia6630

I met Dick Kelly yesterday when he knocked on my door and talked with me for a few minutes. He emphasized that he's worked in the state government and that what he's seen is a lot of coziness between lobbyists and legislators. Is it possible these other legislators haven't endorsed him because they don't want anyone interfering with the status quo?

I like his message about cleaning up government. He says tax exemptions to special interests are not leaving enough money for schools and streets etc. He walks the walk when he won't accept contributions over $100. If he really knows his way around Olympia I think that means he can be effective. So far he represents most what I want to happen in my state.

"I think Linde Knighton is running on the Progressive Party ticket."

She is. Hugh Foskett is also running on the Republican ticket, it remains to be seen which of the two will come in second.
Since I already got 21% of the vote last time I ran, and the GOP candidate is a paper candidate, I think it is pretty obvious. Naturally, 3rd party candidates can't come in first with NO publicity. It's called self-fullfilling prophecy.

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