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Saturday, June 10, 2006

As Dean Addresses YearlyKos, Dowd Heads for the Slot Machines

Posted by on June 10 at 8:51 AM


Howard Dean is talking now. But before his speech, everyone was buzzing about Maureen Dowd’s column, out this morning, in which she hones in on the New Media vs. Old Media collision that’s been very apparent at this conference. Dowd quotes Kos, who is going to be on Meet The Press tomorrow morning, gloating about how blogs have evened the opinion-maker playing field: “Traditionally it was hard to get your job,” he tells her. “Now regular people can score your job.”

To which she responds:

Fine. I’ll be at the Cleopatra slot machine pondering a career in blogging, which will set me up to get back into mainstream media someday.

The New York Times’ Adam Nagourney has his own take on the conference, here.


And here’s a picture from last night’s meetup of about 20 Washington State bloggers and “Kossacks” who are down in Las Vegas for the conference. At left, in the orange, is “switzerblog”:


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Watching rich white men give speeches is my idea of a vacation. Can you book me a room in a Las Vegas hotel room so I can waste water in the desert and rub shoulders with other affluent white people. Can I get sustainably grown lettuce in my buffet-line salad?

I want to spend thousands of dollars going to a Las Vegas convention where we talk about how everything's going to be cyber, and how the Red States are to blame for global warming.

Gotta love Maureen Dowd, even if she is part of the mainstream media establishment. This blogger convention is fascinating as it shows the power of the new media.

Trustafarian, got a saggy diaper that leaks? Sounds like you took the right path on this - don't like it, don't fucking go. And hey, if you hear of any affluent folks who are here, point them our way, I'd love to party with them! i bet they can afford a better time than any of us have had so far. And just for the record...

A) Nobody's spending thousands to be here, and if they did they got scammed
B) The consensus here is that the future is NOT cyber, but that cyber has a role to play
C) There's been little talk of red states, and I've never met any intelligent person who suggested they were responsible for global warming, and
D) you should stop being so repressed. Vegas is a city with nearly 2 million residents, the overwhelming majority of whom don't work in or near the resorts. We're hardly using the bulk of the city's water at the hotels. The city has perfected the art of water conservation, but I certainly appreciate your concern for the environment!

WaaaHHH...Wahh...My recycled diaper is leaking...Save the whales, save the spotted owls...I'm a vegan so I'm better than you.

Kos shouldn't be so smug. The reason Maureen Dowd has her job is that she spent years in the trenches reporting and learning. Anyone can have an opinion. Having an opinion that you can back up with exerpience and knowledge is another matter altogether.

I find most political bloggers to be shrill and not terribly interesting. They are arguing in a system that is just as closed as the one inside the D.C. beltway.

If only Dowd backed up her opinions with knowledge and experience. FOr my money, she's one of the most overrated pundits in the MSM. Full of wit that's not that witty and conventional wisdom dressed up as insight.

Her column on the convention was so simplistic, i.e. the blogs want to become that which they criticize. Probably true of a handful, but there's so much more to say about the blogospher than that. Kos is right, it is all about her insecurity.

Thank-you for allowing viewers to observe the efforts of many bright minds. Your site is educational and a pleasure to review.

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