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Wednesday, May 10, 2006

This Post Sponsored by the Number 420

Posted by on May 10 at 10:36 AM

Last night, while reading The New Yorker, I came across this sentence in a “Talk of the Town” piece by Lauren Collins:

And then there’s George W. Bush, who passed out in the process of eating a pretzel stick, performing a sort of auto-Heimlich.

I had completely forgotten about Bush’s near-death experience back in 2002. And I started to wonder: If President Bush had, indeed, died by choking on a pretzel, what would it have meant for the pretzel market? Would pretzel sales go up? Or would the nation rally against the salty treat for bringing down our Commander in Chief?

Any economist/wonky types care to weigh in?

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Curious about the title of your entry. 420 and the New Yorker? Done at the same time? I may have to try that when mine shows up like clockwork every Friday. Maybe I would finally laugh at some of the reader-submitted captions on the last page.

Wasn't the White House mailroom inundated with packages of pretzels after that incident? Or did I dream it?

I remember seeing a bike messenger at Cafe Zum Zum downtown with a button that read, "Give the pretzel another chance." Wish I knew where to get one.

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