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Monday, May 8, 2006

Re: Cruise Control

Posted by on May 8 at 17:03 PM

This just in: the bio of Kevin McCoy, winner of the contest which allows him to meet Tom Cruise in Aberdeen.

About Kevin McCoy
Kevin is 27 years old (he turns 28 on June 10th) and has lived in Aberdeen on and off for the last 10 years. He was born in Seattle and has lived various places throughout Washington State. Kevin has worked for the One Hour Photo in Wal-Mart for about a year and a half. He has three brothers and three sisters. Kevin’s hobbies include reading and watching science fiction genre books and films. His roommate/younger brother was the first to hear the exciting news that Kevin had won the People’s Premiere.

Kevin! You’re 27! Why did you allow Tom Cruise’s people to write you a bio fit for a wee child?

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Oh well, so much for my homoerotic fantasia involving Tom and some hunky flannel clad lumberjack-ito. Not much material for such fantasies in that bio though, well except for a tiny glimmer of hope in the younger brother/roomate line.

Maybe they'll both have fun anyways. They could both potentially enjoy slipping out of work for a second and just enjoy a bit of life-with-random-variable. With all the overhanging tabloid fodder out there, maybe it'll simply be a squeegie-swipe away from being a real-person, person-to-person situation. Beautiful day, hunh?

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