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Tuesday, May 2, 2006

Extreme Makeover: Nightclub Edition

Posted by on May 2 at 15:05 PM

Dan’s campaign for Fagbar foundered, but the Slog will continue trying to save nightclub owners from their own disastrous name choices.

This week’s contestant is Deano’s Cafe & Lounge, which needs a new name mainly because it needs a new image, sans crack whores. With the Washington State Liquor Control Board currently considering revocation of Deano’s liquor license, it’s a desperate case.

I just got off the phone with a co-owner, Darnell Parker, and he explained how he wants his bar to be less intimidating to white crowds. A more racially mixed clientele, he says, will appeal to the same white neighbors who have been clamoring for its closure. Here’s the name he’s come up with:

Chocolate City

So, white urban hipsters, would you go to the bar formerly known as Deano’s if it were named Chocolate City? And if not, what name will work the kinda magic Parker needs?

Send ideas fast. Parker says the sign’s going up tonight.

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Marshmallow Whip.
Puffy's House of Nipples.
East Precinct Station.

White Chocolate City
Notice of Land Use Action

I am white. I've been to Deano's a lot. Chocolate City is a really awesome name for a club, and the post-Katrina relevence is zippy and smart (and it also sounds like something Prince might have called a club of his own). As I white person, I would probably never go to a place called Chocolate City. I say he keeps the name and just makes it a cool club for black people.


El Gringos
Illegal Immigrants Arms

You guys are cracking me up.


obviously the choice is:

Cracker Jacks!

Border Fence might also be appealing.

"Notice of Land Use Action" wins the thread in an early upset.

I don't think whitey will go to Chocolate City. Perhaps if it was called Chocolat?

The Profile

Cold and Wet (you know cause blacks dont...nevermind)
The Office
Jonny's Seasoning
But if it actually becomes Chocolate City I can only imagine a bunch of white wiggers from Madina will be lined up around the corner. Cheers

Reality Juction, next to the Five-and-Dime-Bag.

The Roman Forum

But, more seriously, how about The Capitol Hill Grill. That'll reassociate it with the caucasian population of its northern neighbors. Just make sure they grill some of the food...

How about Target?

Or is that name taken?

Hobags Ltd.
Chocolate Cream.


I being white, don't go by names to pick my bars .. it's all about the stiffness to price ratio. And I definately wouldn't assume a name like "deano's" to signify primarily black clientele. maybe a bunch of Sicilian mobsters, but not black folk.

keep the name. fix the image.

don't just bandaid the problem with a namechange.

Exit Wound

(A fine nod to the Twilight Exit across the street as well as to other things)

mixed nuts

Dilletante Chocolates?


I third the proposal for "Notice of Land Use Action".

mr. parker should take the time and energy spent on a sign and devote it to cleaning up the damn block.

how about taking the dough it would cost to put up a new sign and use it to install better lighting outside the joint? quit letting folks sling drugs around the corner. pay off some cops.

the problem at deano's isn't the lack of white folks, it's the number of drug dealers. and those dudes come in all colors.

i've been to deano's and it's actually pretty great, once you get through the door. yes, i'm white. my money is green.

You can slap a coat of paint on a piece of shit, but it's still a piece of shit.

Notice of Land Use Action


We need something that more accurately describes the modern Central District and its pale-faced hipster grubs.

How about Marshmallow Center?

Why not just


*now with fewer crack whores

Wha..? I had thought the property was on the development chopping block. Kerry Murakami talked about it quite a bit in a piece in the P-I last summer on how Ms. Helen was cooking over there since her place shut down.

"Central Area diner is out; condos are in" (P-I, 8/26/2005)

While Notice Of Land Use Action is one tough act to follow, I hereby propose:


or if you wanna be snarky:


Why, yes, it DOES sound a little like Crack Ho, doesn't it! Who could have predicted THAT?

Neudeano's Crystal Ballroom

Monastery II

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