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Thursday, May 4, 2006

Calling Out Gov. Gregoire

Posted by on May 4 at 15:35 PM

I was looking for an excuse to bump the scary post I did on the pharmacy board rules—back to the top of the Slog.

I found one. Kristen at Planned Parenthood posted in the comments thread with advice on how to take action.

What I like about Kristen’s post is that, like me, she stresses the importance of asking the Governor to get involved in this fight to make sure that health care consumers (especially women) have unimpeded access to health care.

As a journalist, I hear a lot of people bitching (off-the-record) about politicians that they have to work with, but they’ll hardly ever say anything on-the-record or turn up the pressure publicly. What’s hot about Kristen’s comment is that she’s seems willing to call out Gregoire. She does it slyly, but she does it.

The Washington State Board of Pharmacy will meet again June 2nd, to decide which rule to choose — Donna Dockter’s or the Department of Health’s.


During the month of May, it is TOTALLY CRITICAL that we continue to bombard the Board of Pharmacy AND the Governor with our e-mails and faxes.

Continue to e-mail and fax the Pharmacy Board and the Governor. Spread the word — get your friends involved.

Contact Governor Gregoire

What to say: Governor Gregoire, please do everything in your power to ensure that the Washington State Board of Pharmacy does not adopt a rule that interferes with a patient’s ability to receive her / his prescriptions.

Phone (360) 902-4111

Fax (360) 753-4110


Contact the Washington State Board of Pharmacy

What to say: The Washington State Board of Pharmacy should not adopt a rule that interferes with a patient’s ability to obtain the safe and legal medications that she/he needs.
Fax (360) 586-4359


Posted by Kristen at Planned Parenthood - May 4, 2006 01:36 PM

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Done and done. Thank you so much for posting this.

Thanks for the contact info and suggestions. I have contacted both parties and expressed my concerns with them as well.

Wonder what Rush Limbaugh thinks of all

I sent this to Bartell's:

I was wondering what your policy was on selling Emergency Contraception
either by prescription or over-the-counter. Since Emergency
Contraception is just that - contraception, and not an abortion pill as
some falsely believe, I am committed to supporting businesses that do
not refuse any contraceptive service to women.

Please let me know if your policy is to allow pharmacists the discretion
to refuse services to women. This will help me be an informed consumer.

Response from Bartells:

patients. Not all of our pharmacists are certified to prescribe
Emergency Contraception; they will refer patients to a nearby pharmacy
that has a certified pharmacist on staff who can prescribe Plan B.

I trust this information will be helpful to you in making your decision.>>

I'm confused. Isn't plan B over the counter, so why do I need a pharmacist to prescribe it? I guess I'm wondering if I should shop at Bartells.

DARANEE, Plan B is actually not OTC yet. The FDA is presently debating whether or not to approve OTC status to Plan B, but unfortunately they seem to believe that approving OTC status will encourage the teenage masses to set up "sex-based cults" and fuck with impunity. So if you feel like writing a few more letters, I'm sure the FDA could use a handful.

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