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Thursday, May 11, 2006

Badger! Badger! Snake! Oh, it’s a snake!

Posted by on May 11 at 15:06 PM

I don’t care if it makes me look like a complete idiot, because these cartoons totally make a lame day get 10x better in a matter of seconds and I love them to death.


My friend Patty said about the Kenya cartoon: “Don’t you just want to put the tiger in your mouth and chew him like bubble gum!?”

Yes. Yes I do.

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OMG I have never seen anything so cute IN ALL MY ENTIRE LIFE. I am enraged with overwhelming happiness - I'm not fucking kidding; I'm totally going to go punch my coworker with joy.

So 2004.

Yeah... tigers don't actually live in Kenya. Or anywhere in Africa.


That badger animation is one of my favorite freakin' things. . . the Kenya one is almost as excellent.

Only in Kenya....forget Norway!

I Luv Weebl & Bob

Mmmmm! Pie!


More like Snoreway.

More like Snoreway!

Oh. My. God. That made my day... "If Kenya were to urinate all over Norway as well as metaphorically then the orange dotted line on the right would indicate the probable trajectory to ensure maximum coverage". Ahahaha!

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