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Monday, April 10, 2006

Who Likes Warm Beer?

Posted by on April 10 at 14:17 PM

A Savage Love reader on the east coast alerted me to a new product that will interest a certain segment of my readership. Dogfish Head Craft Brewed Ales has is lauching a new beer: Golden Showers.

How do you market Golden Showers to the American public? Dogfish Head has the answer…


Nobody should believe that Dogfish Head Golden Shower tastes good… until they try it. Why should they? Not many people are going to try it because, without a traditional marketing campaign, it’s going to be hard to find for a long time. But a small group of people who trust their taste enough to decide what to drink for themselves are going to find a Golden Shower and try it and we’re pretty sure they are going to like it.

Funny, that’s the same thing my German boyfriend used to tell me about Golden Showers.

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No worse than the slogan Pepsi was using in their Superbowl ads: "Brown and Bubbly!" Brown and bubbly sounds like some sort of anal leakage to me.

You would be amazed - Golden Shower is our take on the whole overabundance of Bud-themed ads and commericals that provide a message of live free, get laid and party - oh yeah drink Bud while you're doing it. No ads, no marketing with Golden Shower's Imperial Pilsner - it's a true pilsner that is not watered down (9% ABV). And the name says it all - drink it or not we don't care. We stand by our quality product and we don't have to create an ad with girls in bikini's to help sell it.

Had some at the Latona beer dinner blowout on Tuesday. I can assure you it was *way* better than being peed on.

Unless that's your thing, and who am I to judge...

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