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Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Tell Murray & Cantwell to Support Feingold

Posted by on March 15 at 15:00 PM

This is an email I received from a comrade:

To all my friends, Tired of weak-kneed Democrats letting the Bush crime family walk all over them? Well, you might not be able to change that, but you CAN a least say you tried.

Call Senators Murray and Cantwell and tell them to stand behind Russ Feingolds call to Censure Bush for illegally spying on us. I just did it and it only takes 30 seconds and it’s free!

Senator Patty Murray
District Office:
Seattle: 206-553-5545

Senator Maria Cantwell
District Office:
Seattle: 206-220-6400

We all know that this criminal should be Impeached. So why are the Democrats running from Feingolds call for Censure? They think it’s slick politics not let the Republicans make them look weak on terror. But this has nothing to do with fighting terror. This is about holding Bush accountable for breaking the law. The Congresses #1 job is to protect and defend the Constitution. Shame on any Democrat that shirks this responsibility. Wag the finger at your Senators, call now.

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Murray will support Feingold, Cantwell will let us down once again.

Patty Murray already has. She voted for censure of the Arkansas hillbilly William Jefferson Clinton.

Yeah, I was hella peeved at Cantwell for fighting industry price-gouging on gas, keeping oil tankers out of Puget Sound, and saving the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge from a frontal attack by Alaska's Ted Stevens (who's so angry he wants to visit Washington to campaign for McGavick). But that last one *was* a few weeks ago.

She may have failed us again more recently.

I forgot. Her vote to end the filibuster on Alito must have been a good thing. Let's not forget the big I vote, either.

If the Democrats take the house this election, we should definately try to censure. I think it's a better plan than impeachment. It would lead to investigations which can only be good. Also, impeachment is a long, bloody process and would probably end in failure and "they were only trying to revenge Clinton" rehtoric.
Dan Savage, CTMFA?

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