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Tuesday, March 14, 2006

New Lacey Napkin Surfaces

Posted by on March 14 at 18:35 PM

Village Voice Media’s executive editor, Michael Lacey, announced the firing of the Village Voice’s interim editor, Doug Simmons, via napkin. You can see the napkin here.

Today a Voice staffer emailed The Stranger a digital image of another of Lacey’s napkin communiquĆ©s. This napkin—or pair of napkins—was posted today in the Voice’s offices in Manhattan:


You can see a larger version of the napkin by clicking here. The new Lacey napkin reads:

I recently discovered that many of the young ladies who advertise in the back pages of the Voice actually have PENISES. They appear to be ladies until it’s too late.

Back in Arizona we had a name for ladies with penises: Seattle Weekly staffers. Here in New York we have a name for classifieds people who fail to explain to the new boss just what “Shemaleā€¯ means: EX-Village Voice staffer. My shit’s packed, so start packing yours.

Three months in New York and already I’m a pansy. Guess Musto was right.


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Uh, what the fuck times a million??

Who cares.
Why do you waste our time with this BS?

file this one under "Who Gives A Fuck"


I don't mind inside baseball if you give us a program.

to coin a phrase - from Seattle -


brilliant. i love it.

I must rush to the defense of my colleague Bradley Steinbacher (as I just know he'd do the same for me...)

Why is everyone so agitated by his post?
The new owner of Seattle Weekly just called his new charges, "ladies with penises."
That's freaking weird. No?

Yes, it's freaking weird. I'm amazed that people in Arizona even know what the Weekly is, even if they own it. These napkins look like the product of an insane person.

For the full story, Josh, need more info:

What color was the napkin? And what type of pen? Were there left over french fries nearby? Had they been drinking? If so, what? Pricey place or sleazy? Ladies are mentioned, what were they wearing?

What do they tip in AZ?

From what I can tell - there might be a cum stain on the corner of the tablecloth -- how did it get there?


And, is it true Pudget
sound is in crises?

Or, national parks are about to be auctioned off?

What about the anit voter moves
foisted by the WA R's?

This comments thread has GOT to be full up of Weakly staffers. This is the juiciest, weirdest post of the day. Fully readable and enjoyable. A++

It's only funny if:
-You work at the Voice.
-And you think getting fired by a drunk asshole is funny.

hey, u-smith:
the zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz is mine. got it?

i liked the post. it's weird, funny, interesting. but what i don't get is why the stranger staffers chiming in seem so glee-filled about the whole thing. yeah, i get you hate the weakly, too, so anything that rips them is all peachy for you.

but to me it seems if the weakly staff and the stranger staff got in a street fight, my money goes on the ladies with penises. so if that's the case, what's that make the stranger?

As weird as that post is, I find Lacey's decree that NO Voice staffers shall refer to other published pieces of journalism in their reporting to be even WEIRDER... Well, maybe not weirder but definitely weird.

As weird as that post is, I find Lacey's decree that NO Voice staffers shall refer to other published pieces of journalism in their reporting to be even WEIRDER... Well, maybe not weirder but definitely weird.

Smitty - Well, I really like Zs. My son is named Zorn and my daughter is Zeda and my mother is Zede.

I always win Scrabble whin I get the Z.

Can we share?

I have used it a lot on other blogs.

No, I don't front for the Weekly. Like most of the city of Seattle readers, I find it amusing when the Stranger does all this trivia stuff and lets so much rel news slide. God knows they have millions in ad revenues for writers fees.

Then they post the PI isn't needed as a major daily new source, since there are blogs.

But ........I really think the trumped up fight between the Weekly and the Stranges is just hype for the sake of self promotion and who wins the money fight for ad base.

Glad both are here. Both, roaring and snorting. Benefit to all. I read Real Change as well with the same sentiments.

Speaking of Weekly vs. Stranger, I wish Savage Love would bring back the smaller Weekly watch he was doing.

I just picked up my the new Stranger & Weekly. The Stranger is 96 pages to the Weekly is 84. When's the last time the Weekly was bigger than the Stranger? ...

I guess that's why Savage stopped keeping track.

Or maybe he finally figured out its not the pages that count, but what you put on them that matters. There's news (Weekly) and then there's someone's opinion of the news (Stranger). (But by God Josh was the first to report that opinion!)

Has anyone else grown a bit weary with the Stranger thing about Nick Licata?

Nick seems to be a good progressive, a but resistive to change - but the Stranger has run dozens of stories aout him. What is that all about?

He is a classic dissent person, and does not see too happy - Drago and Conlin are the warhorses of the former council.

Tom R. sure asserts himself and asks the best questions. Peter whines a bit too much, acts sleep deprived - or just stressy.

Wonder what Licata stands for other than the standard Seattle formula from the progressive claque?

Nice site

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