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Tuesday, March 28, 2006

I’m On Bush’s Side

Posted by on March 28 at 16:55 PM

For the first time, and I hope the last time, I find myself on the same side as Bush on the issue of working permits for illegal immigrants. However, Bush’s reasons for supporting this reform are not at all my reasons.

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The problem I have with Bush's plan is that it basically amounts to taxation without representation. It does go far, but not nearly far enough.

The good thing about Bush's plan: massive Republican implosion. Grab a six-pack and enjoy the fireworks!

No "guest workers."

They either become citizens or stay in Mexico.

"Guest worker" is just another word for "slave". We already tried that--Jamaicans brought in to work in the sugarcane fields in Florida. Nasty business.

Yeah, Charles, do you agree with the part where the guest workers are required to go back when they're done working? It seems to me it would result in giving employers a lot of power over the workers - as far as I can see, only a little better than the current situation.

The current situation is already like slavery. Illegal immigrants get stuck working in shitty conditions for shitty pay. If they complain about it, they get sent home.

I think anyone who wants to seek a better, more financially secure life should be able to follow their dream, but the problem with worker immigration (and a steady supply of people willing to work on the cheap) is that the jobs traditionally performed by these people - the crap jobs - continue to have an abundant labor force available to potential employers (something the Republicans love) keeping wages low.

In a perfect market, when low paying jobs go unfilled, the wages start to rise to make that job more attractive. When you have people coming in willing to take a job the native workforce won't touch, wages remain at a less than subsistent level. Low paying jobs should remain open long enough for the wage to rise to the point that the job pays a living wage. As much as I hate to say it, an immigrant work force throws a wrench into that process. It adds to the process of the rich getting more wealthy, the poor staying poor, and the middle class diminishing into oblivion.

You will note that the people who say protectionism is counterproductive usually have plenty of dough in their savings account.

If you raise the minimum wage to something that people could make a living doing, you wouldn't have white guys sitting at home collecting welfare checks--and there wouldn't be any jobs here for immigrants.

You agree with Bush in a lot more that immigration. Your paper printed the Danish Cartoons (which first appeared in an Ultra-Right Wing Danish Newspaper). Your paper was pro-war (something about light their Arab Asses on fire and throw then off a high building), in land use issues you are Pro-developer, politically you are pro-Israel.

The "gee whiz we're liberal just like you", postering is amusing, but The Bush administration could create a better propaganda rag if they tried. Even your paychecks come from the tobacco and alchohol industries so it all makes some kind of nauseating sense.

What sweatshop sews your "Impeach Bush" t-shirts by the way? Even the "Impeach Bush" nonsense you now print only helps the Bush Administration by distracting attention from those people behind Bush.

Your newspaper would never promote "dismantle Halliburton" t-shirts, nor will I ever read about the Microsoft-Halliburton connection in your publication.

Just support Bush's immigration policies, and buy an "Impeach Bush" t-shirt, that's all it takes to be a Stranger Liberal.

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