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Thursday, February 9, 2006

Re: Emerald City Soul Club. There Wont be a Cooling-Off Period

Posted by on February 9 at 19:32 PM

Megan, you beat me to it.
I was going to Slog about the Emerald City Soul Club.
I went to my first ECSC last month, and I will never miss one now.
This is the best dance night in the city. And if you stay until 2am, as I did last time, the DJs start handing out free CDs culled from their soul sets.

John Lewis (the young turk who almost upstaged MLK Jr. at the March on Washington w/ an angry speech criticizing John F. Kennedy’s pending civil rights bill) says it all with this quote from his 1998 autobiography about the civil rights movement:

But the one person who made more of an impact than anyone else on our meetings that fall 1959 was a young woman named Diane Nash. The first thing you have to say about Diane—the first thing anyone who encountered her noticed, and there was no way not to notice—is that she was one of God’s beautiful creatures, just about the most gorgeous woman any of us had ever seen…She was from Chicago.

And here’s Lewis in ‘63 from his March on Washington speech, two speakers before King:

“True, we support the administration’s civil-rights bill, but this bill will not protect young children and old women from police dogs and fire hoses. What is in the bill that will protect the homeless and starving people of this nation? What is there in this bill to insure the equality of a maid who earns five dollars a week in the home of a family whose income is a hundred thousand dollars a year? This bill will not protect the hundreds of people who have been arrested on trumped-up charges, like those in Americus, Georgia, where four young men are in jail, facing a death penalty, for engaging in peaceful protest.

Listen, Mr. Kennedy, listen, Mr. Congressman, listen, fellow citizens—the black masses are on the march for jobs and freedom, and we must say to the politicians that there won’t be a ‘cooling-off’ period. We won’t stop now. All of the forces of Eastland, Barnett and Wallace and Thurmond won’t stop this revolution.”