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Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Posted by on February 28 at 19:47 PM

Check out the t-shirts a couple of folks were wearing at my speech tonight at the University of MO tonight…



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Doesn't Anyone Get That Impeachment Means Cheney?

Does anyone get that Bush isn't going to get impeached?

Thanks for clearing that up. I was thinking for a moment they were supporting an impeachment of


Impeach both mother fuckers already.

Hastert? The wresting coach? We don't have a lot of good options going, do we?

Josh, is the reason he won't be impeached because there wouldn't be a majority of votes to pass it? Isn't the idea of an "ITMFA" campaign appealing, even if impossible, because it gets a message of disapproval out there? The trendy and unclear-at-first-glance nature of the letters would appeal to certain mixes of the population whose opinions may not be noted otherwise.

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