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Wednesday, February 8, 2006

Brokeback Jokes

Posted by on February 8 at 8:09 AM

Okay, I still haven’t seen Brokeback Mountain—full disclosure, yadda yadda yadda.

Still, I thought this AP story in today’s PI was bizarre:

Flood of ‘Brokeback’ jokes gets mixed reactions from gays

…Matt Foreman, executive director of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, says he’s sick of it: “It may be funny, but there is a real element of homophobia. It’s making jabs about sex between gay men.”

Jay Leno made at least 15 “Brokeback” jokes in January. Many were references to gay sex. One that wasn’t: “The cold weather continues to spread across the United States. In fact, down South it was so cold people were shaking like Jerry Falwell watching ‘Brokeback Mountain.’ “

Um, that jokes is making fun of Falwell for his homophobia, not of gay sex, so it’s an odd example to follow Foreman’s quote with. And most of the Brokeback jokes I’ve heard have been told by gay men. Gay people, as a general rule, have a sense of humor about ourselves, our sex lives, and cultural stereotypes about gay men—most of which are positive.

Like these from a Letterman Top Ten list, also mentioned in the article:

Top Ten Signs You’re a Gay Cowboy:

You enjoy ridin’, ropin’ and redecoratin’.

Instead of a saloon, you prefer a salon.

Native Americans refer to you as “Dances With Men.”

Hee-haw, we enjoy redecorating, salons, and dancing with men. All stereotypes, all harmless, and there were funnier ones on Letterman’s list:

You’re wearing chaps, yet your ‘ranch’ is in Chelsea.

You love riding, but you don’t have a horse.

You’ve been lassoed more times than most steers.

What do these jokes reinforce? That gay “cowboys” wear chaps—even if they live in urban areas (true); that we like sex (true); and that we’re sexually adventurous (also true). If these are stereotypes we’re stuck with, we don’t have much to complain about.

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All the same--can we set a date certain, after which *all* Brokeback Mountain jokes and parodies are officially "stale"?

And most of the Brokeback jokes I’ve heard have been told by gay men. Gay people, as a general rule, have a sense of humor about ourselves, our sex lives, and cultural stereotypes about gay men—most of which are positive.

Tell that to John Aravosis!!!
Tell that to Americablog!!

The graphic on this one is the best I've seen:

John doesn't find them funny?

There is a fine line between laughing at and and laughing with, but when you awknowledge the differences between people and find humor there, and are comfortable and confident enough to laugh, it somehow makes the stereotype less important. The labels fade and we are all just people again, laughing.

dave chappelle referenced brokeback mountain on oprah which was kind of bizarrely homophobic... not like awful, but just weird. (talking about the racist system in big budget hollywood that can't treat black actors seriously... eventually getting all "black comedians" in a dress at some point during their career, saying something along the lines of: "It's not ok... what is this, brokeback mountain?"

I think the mainstream humor in regards to the movie has been mixed. some is ok and funny, some is a little misplaced but with good intentions, and some really is just reactionary because man/man gay sex is off putting for a lot of people-- and I think it's good people are getting called on it.

Thanks Dan! I knew there were still people with a sense of humor. You're the greatest!

Napoleon: I propose three days after the Oscars. Brokeback to the Future is still funny this we're not there yet.

Oh, I continue to laugh, but it gets more strained with each repetition.

Heh heh, gay cowboys. Wish I could quit you. Heh.

I'm not offended--just getting a little bored with the premise.

I think that perhaps you have failed to notice the constant barrage of gay/Brokeback jokes. One segment on Jay Leno that I saw in January sort of changed my mind about every gay joke told by late night talk show hosts. The segment involved Gilbert Godfrey and the dude from 'Best In Show' (both of whom I like) doing their best fag impressions trying to be the original gay cowboys. This was blackface. It was very offensive. "Look at those faggots, aren't they so silly? They want to get married? HAHA, they think they're peoples!" And so on and so forth...
I guess what I'm trying to say is that the sheer volume of jokes and the fact that some of them (probably a minority) are actually offensive. I don't know what gay people you are talking about that are making these jokes, because I have only noticed straight white upper-class males. I'm not saying I hate Letterman, Kimmel, O' Brien or Leno (okay, I do hate Leno because he's an ass) but I think anyone who is gay and offended by these 'jokes' has that right. If you are just telling them to 'lighten up' I will assume it is because you haven't actually witnessed the barrage of fag jokes.

I think that perhaps you have failed to notice the constant barrage of gay/Brokeback jokes. One segment on Jay Leno that I saw in January sort of changed my mind about every gay joke told by late night talk show hosts. The segment involved Gilbert Godfrey and the dude from 'Best In Show' (both of whom I like) doing their best fag impressions trying to be the original gay cowboys. This was blackface. It was very offensive. "Look at those faggots, aren't they so silly? They want to get married? HAHA, they think they're peoples!" And so on and so forth...
I guess what I'm trying to say is that the sheer volume of jokes and the fact that some of them (probably a minority) are actually offensive. I don't know what gay people you are talking about that are making these jokes, because I have only noticed straight white upper-class males. I'm not saying I hate Letterman, Kimmel, O' Brien or Leno (okay, I do hate Leno because he's an ass) but I think anyone who is gay and offended by these 'jokes' has that right. If you are just telling them to 'lighten up' I will assume it is because you haven't actually witnessed the barrage of fag jokes.

I'm not super pro most of the network tv jokes, but none of it has been "blackface" either. I think it's actually kind of irresponsible and oversimplified to make that direct analogy.

Do you, Craig? Well you're WRONG! EAT IT!

I have to disagree with you there, Craig. While the examples that Mr. Savage mentioned were not offensive, and some of the jokes are mildly amusing, two STRAIGHT actors doing their best stereotypical fag impressions on national television is blackface. I say that in a way to draw parallels to the struggle for civil rights, equality, etc...
As gays and lesbians we cannot actually move forward to press for equality if we allow ourselves to be placated by small concessions instead of actual progress.

Once again, I think if you would have seen it, you would understand. It's after seeing something like that, which was truly offensive, that it is harder for me to find humor in the other jokes.

Do not become complacent. As a great thinker once said, 'you don't ask for your rights, you demand them, and if you can't even do that, you don't deserve them.'

I've been hearing far too many straight men making Brokeback jokes and frequently they've carried a distinct air of homophobia. I find it supremely annoying, actually.

Maybe I didn't get it, but it wasn't all that funny a movie, either. :p

Let's see if I get this -- somebody makes a joke about something, and somebody else doesn't like it, for whatever reasons. And this is ... a big deal? Hello??? Anybody familiar with the history of humor? Everybody likes to laugh about what they like to laugh about. Get over it.

Well the Native American Will LOve this Movie Cowboys in leatherhahaha

I think Brokeback Mountiain should neveb be shown again. All it is doing is pushing the pro-gay agenda in Hollywood and campaigning for the liberals in 2008.

I'm against all of the jokes, even if they are amusing. They go against moral principles and are only encouraging straight people to ridicule homosexuals. It is fuel to feed the opressors. What kind of message do these jokes send out to the young teenager who's still in the closet? It contributes to their self-loathing, eats at their souls. I'm sure most of us can remember what that was like. Each straight person they hear laughing at a gay joke puts them one step farther into that dreadful, dark closet.

Nick: you need to educate yourself.

Isn't most humor offensive in some way to the butt of the joke? There are jokes about straight sex, gay sex, person-animal sex, masturbation, etc. Some of those jokes are good, some are bad, some are mean, some are lame.

Nice site

I am writing from Brisbane, Australia. I am a member of pflag and have to deal with many young people coming out and their problems. So, as you can imagine, I am totally against anything homophobic, I know the long-term consequences of this type of behaviour. Quite frankly, I am BORED with the odd brokeback mountain joke I have seen. They are really made up I am sure by insecure heterosexual males. Why isn't there an ongoing joke about other movies, e.g. Good Night and Good Luck, Isolde and Tristan, Crash, etc.etc.etc. Why?? because they are "straight" movies for use of a better word. I do have a sense of humour by the way, just not the sort that makes fun and laughs AT people who have enough problems to deal with, like constant vilification in media and other areas, like gay-bashings, like discrimination at work, like rejection by ignorant family and "friends", like homelessness because their "Christian" families have kicked them out of home because the bible tells them they are evil (misinterpretation on a grand scale which has lead to thousands of suicides, the Christian and other religions should hang their heads in shame) and I could go on. So, until these problems are addressd and eradacated from society, I will not be laughing at any Brokeback Mountain jokes or the like, sorry. from Lynne Walsh (I am not gay by the way).

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