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Monday, January 16, 2006

Optimal Charisma

Posted by on January 16 at 11:15 AM

I’m no political analyst (to state the bleeding obvious), but while going through notebooks I wrote during the 1988 presidential campaign, I found an observation that I think is worth airing 18 years later.

After hearing Jesse Jackson speak at a political rally in his characteristically fiery manner, I thought: this man has too much charisma for the office of president. He could seduce an entire nation down the most irresponsible paths through his rhythmic rhetoric. I’d prefer a more restrained—even dull—president, but one, of course, with a sharp mind and compassion. Fire and brimstone do not belong in the White House; an emotionally inflamed populace threatens rational behavior. Jackson could make World War III sound like the best party ever.

In retrospect, America’s mostly docile, apathetic citizenry could benefit from some of Jackson’s rabble-rousing speeches and ideas, which, while far from flawless, at one point seemed to offer so much promise. It seems as if Jackson’s fighting spirit and influence have been waning ever since that presidential race. It’s a shame. I can get behind a candidate who uses language like this:

Today’s students can put dope in their veins or hope in their brains. If they can conceive it and believe it, they can achieve it. They must know it is not their aptitude but their attitude that will determine their altitude.

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ummm, yeah, you sure ain't a political analyst of ANY friggin' sort... ;-)

Jackson used that exact language when he spoke at my high school in 1978. By now, we'd have to call that "classic Jackson."

"Jackson used that exact language when he spoke at my high school in 1978. By now, we'd have to call that "classic Jackson.""

Jesse Jackson should release a Greatest Quips album.

Follow your dreams, you can reach your goals.

It looks like you really had a nice time.

This is the coolest La Cocina.

Hey man...sorry I missed the party.

It looks like you really had a nice time.

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