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Friday, January 20, 2006

Misidentity Politics

Posted by on January 20 at 13:31 PM

Seattle City Council Members are making a big deal about choosing a woman from a minority community to fill the current vacancy. “We need another female, and it would help to have another person of color,” Council Member David Della told the Seattle Times.

There are a bunch of obvious reasons to criticize this childish bit of identity politics.

But first, consider this reason: While Council Members like Della are grandstanding on this issue to score some easy points with NPR Liberal Seattle, I’d like to point out that the current minority council members (Richard McIver & David Della) and women council members (Jan Drago & Jean Godden) make up the council’s conservative bloc. It’s three white men (Nick Licata, Peter Steinbrueck, and Richard Conlin) who make up the council’s progressive bloc…and most often take on Greg Nickels’ big development agenda.

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I knew Feit was a racist.

Josh can't make up his mind about Drago. Josh praised Drago for standing up for a progressive agenda with the budget and for standing up to the mayor. Now he's changed his tune. What a doofus.

I didn't change my mind on Drago. I dig Drago. I'm just saying she's not part of the progressive bloc, doofus.

I wouldn't necessarily put Jean G. in the conservative bloc, especially after her pointed strip club vote (she considered it a women's rights issue specifically) and how she approached the library funding issue.

However, I get your point.

J'accord Stephanie.
Jean is a bit of a free agent, and she's definitely taken some progressive/left stands etc. (I definitely dug her feminist opposition to the strip club rules.)

I think she's different than Steinbrueck, Licata, and Conlin, though, who consistently agitate for liberal reforms like providing low-income housing, cop accountability, open access to government, and environmental sustainability

Poor Josh. He's afraid of dogs and his own contradictions. Down, boy!

So when Della runs for re-election, will he continue to make a plea for having more women on council?

They just a woman now so the council looks more balanced when they all run for re-election.

He "digs" Drago. Is that Maynard G. Krebs talking? There is nothing sadder than an aging hipster.

Jean Godden looks, and acts, just like my Grandmother. Creepy.

Josh may be aging but he was never hip.

I still don't get where the contradiction is.
I like Drago. And she's part of the Conservative bloc. Where's the contradiction?

Drago did stand up for a strong social services budget, but that didn't automatically make her a progressive. She was just scoring political points against the mayor. Smart politics.

I like Drago mainly because she supported the monorail, and also because as Council President she brought some stability to the off-kilter council in its wars with Team Nickels.

And for those not familiar with the jive: ofay is white and oxford gray is colored they say.

Josh feels better when he gets to talk about Josh.

Well Josh --
Why did you leave out the good fag, Tom?

Newbie for sure but surely is not conservative. His career is solid activsm for GLBT stuff, long before the Sranger was in print. Voted and voiced strongly for the strippers.

He asks strong questions and to the pith in council meetings.

A rising star me thinks.

AND why is Licata so dour? Hetero marriage does not seem to make him joyful and happy. Whinny and dour.

Josh - pick the winner in the big contest. My bet, a WOMON, as in Sally Clark.

They just miss Judy and Heidi. I agree with Josh, the honkies on the council are the progressive bloc.

I would have liked council members to try to get another progressive on the council and maybe the progressive bloc can get somethings done.

I am officially no longer excited about this race.

Go Seahawks!!

Expecting this council to select a competent councilmember is like expecting George W. to pick a qualified person to head a federal agency. The color of your skin, or whether or not you have a vagina does not make one more or less qualified to represent the city's residents. This whole exercise is purely political. Every councilmember is first and foremost hoping to get on council someone who will vote to support their agenda. Secondly they can score some points by demonstrating their concern for diversity. It's all show, and it's all bullshit. If Peter Steinbruck was concerned about diversity why is his staff all white? If David Della is concerned about the lack of women on council why did he run against a woman? They are pandering to their base of supporters because they know most everyone else in the city isn't paying attention. It's cheap political theater. In the end this council will get rolled over by Vulcan, the Sonics, the Mayor and everyone else who has the money and lobbyists to bamboozle them regardless of which differently abled, transgender, minority they come up with to fill Compton's seat.

For Vatslav

What a cynic. Of course you are a straight white boy --- so at base line it all works for you without changes.

Diversity and the continuing attempt to kill the fucked social equations of the past is not a silly game. You just don't get its importance on the long time line of cultrual, political and social change. A new America starting in Seattle and continuing, yeah.

You needed a Granma involved in Liberation Femist activism to explain it all. But then, I suspect you think you are very savy and so hip to be cynical instead of progressive.


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