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Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Like Leaving Home with My Fly Gaping

Posted by on January 18 at 16:17 PM

In tomorrow’s Stranger, careful readers will see the embarrassing error at the front gate of Brendan Kiley’s Theater News column. What kills me is that there was some discussion about this sentence and whether it was just too much, and yet no one noticed the homophonous impostor.

Wither: verb, “shrivel”
Whither: adverb (or conjunction) “to what place or result”

Please insert a tiny sans-serif h for me when you get there.

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also, in sarah dickerman's blurb on 22 doors, the word "antic" is used where i presume she meant "antique." FYI.

Ha-Hah, that's funnily!

I think she meant antic. I'll ask her...

Ms. Dickerman says, "I did mean antic."
She means wacky or ludicrously odd.

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