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Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Give Me an N!

Posted by on January 25 at 11:56 AM

In today’s Settle PI, Joel Connelly writes:

City Hall note

Effusing like a teenage cheerleader, The Stranger’s news editor Josh Feit wrote in a Monday blog that he was “thrilled” at Nick Licata’s election as Seattle City Council president.

He ought to be, since Licata is notorious for leaking news to the Capitol Hill newspaper. In fact, his office has been such a sieve that one staffer is informally known around the council chambers as “Lisa who Leaks.”

Joel, since you’re evidently an avid reader of the Stranger Slog, you—as a reporter—must be thrilled too. With the access The Stranger’s apparently gonna have now, you’ll really be able to keep informed about city hall politics.

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Lisa Herbold leaks? She should get that looked at. =)

Is it just me or was there a bit of hostility in fat Connelly's tone?

Leaks? Isn't our city government supposed to be open and transparent, like democratic or something? Or maybe that's just important to Licata and crew... Go Lisa!

You ain't got no alibi
You jealous
You you you jealous

I guess this begs the question--what is our City Government trying to hide?

It's nice to know I'm not the only blogger at whom the contumelious liberal columnist hurls his jealous invective.

But have you ever been accused of "effusing like a teenage cheerleader"?

Hmm, it's not like a former gossip columnist turned Councilmember who just lost a bid to be Council President has an axe to grind might have called an out-of-touch hack to plant a negative story, or anything like that.

Nah, couldn't be.

But does Joel Connelly hate dogs?

Josh got noticed in a real newspaper! He's good for 7 days. Is it true tried to get a job at the P-I?

Unless Joel asked his source for some examples of these leaks, he is only repeating what somebody else has told him to write.

That person must wield power that dwarfs the influence Connelly suggests I have over the Stranger’s content!

Nope. But I once applied for a job at FLAG, the Farmer's Legal Action Group.

So Josh, if not the P-I, where? You're losing your hair. You're not getting taller. Erica kicks your butt on reporting. Bloggers catch your errors, spot your contradictions. "News editor?" The edge is getting dull. Time for another beer with Team Nickels?

Who told you I'm losing my hair? Was it that Lisa in Licata's office? That leaker! Crud.

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