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Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Ah, the Gay Civil Rights Bill Hearing

Posted by on January 17 at 14:42 PM

Anyone else out there catch the hearing for House Bill 2661 this morning in the Washington State House of Representatives? Anyone else feel like they needed a shower afterward, or maybe electro-shock therapy — something, anything to cleanse the mind of that parade of dim citizens whose objections to the gay civil rights bill were eloquently summed up by a man who identified himself as Alex. His testimony to lawmakers went like this:

“House Bill 2661 is not the answer. Jesus is the answer.”

And that, my friends, was basically the beginning, middle, and end of the intellectual argument against the bill — at least as the argument was articulated by the fine citizens of Washington State who got themselves to Olympia at 10 a.m. on a Tuesday morning to encourage lawmakers not to protect homosexuals against discrimination.

One of my favorite moments came when a man wearing a USA baseball cap addressed the State Government Operations & Accountability Committee, telling them that he had proof that homosexuality is a condition easily remedied, and therefore in no need of protection from discrimination. His proof? LUGS.

“Do you know what LUGS are?” he asked the legislators. I was watching the live online feed, so I couldn’t tell whether or not the question drew knowing nods from lawmakers. The man continued, explaining LUGS are Lesbians Until Gradution, a trend he finds courageous in its ultimate rejection of lesbianism (albeit after four years of dorm-room scissor sistering). For an anti-gay activist he seemed to have a surprisingly intimate knowledge of LUG goings on. But don’t they all these days?

The median age of the bill’s opponents seemed to be about 55, which once again reminded me that the struggle for gay rights is as much about changing people’s minds as it is about waiting for an older generation of permanently closed minds to die off. And the median education level of the opponents was, I’d guess, not very high, based on the amount of illogic on display — and on the number of times the committee chair had to simply cut people off because they couldn’t make their arguments without resorting to the type of derogatory language she’d told them at the outset wouldn’t fly.

Not in attendance: Rev. Ken Hutcherson, who supposedly is so upset about the support the bill is getting from Microsoft, Boeing, and other major companies that he’s launching a national boycott. Perhaps “Hutch” was too busy fielding media calls to show.

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I'm with you Eli... I watched some of the hearing on the live streaming mediacast and didn't know whether to laugh, cry, or just vomit. I guess I've been living too long in Seattle and have insulated myself from the morons and fucked-up fundamentalists to the point that I'd forgotten how truly scary the minds of these idiots can be. I did like the fact that the Representative/Chair of the committee was pretty quick to shut down every speaker who tried to break the stated rules of the hearing by trying to tie the Civil Rights legislation to such terms as "sodomite", "Pedophile", "pervert", "child molester", "sinner", etc.

This just goes to show that we homos have a LOT more education and awareness-building to do.

Thank God that my bout with fundamental christianity some 20 years ago WAS in fact a choice that I could reverse....especially when I realized that it wasn't helping me change my orientation one little bit.

Free at last, free at last....thanks almighty I'm free at last!

Last year, Senator Sheldon passed the bill out of committee because he knew it would fail in the full Senate. Why do you think Sen. Sheldon will allow the bill out of committee if it appears to have enough floor votes to pass?


i actually think LUGs are a pretty savvy cultural argument against gay marriage for women. everybody knows a LUG or two, because many girls are bisexual in inclination if not in practice (and it's easier to find sexually curious people in college than out in the real world). there are, however, very few GUGs in the world, because most boys are not bisexual. which means, ultimately, that LUGs are not a good legal argument against gay marriage, because it would be against the WA state constitution to ban women from marrying one another if men were allowed to.

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