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Monday, December 12, 2005

Whatcha Think of Slog’s New Header Style?

Posted by on December 12 at 12:44 PM

Dan Savage doesn’t like these fancy new header style at all. He says, “It makes them seem disconnected from the items themselves. And they’re not bold. I liked the bold.”
Art Director Corianton Hale, who came up with the new design, explains, “This new header type does a few things: It gives the eye a unique typeface to scan for (which is critical for navigation), it provides a more of a visual break so that capsules don’t appear to blend together, and it separates the look of the header from the bold items, which are so intense that they compete.”
Do you agree that they’re better or are you siding with Dan? Please swing over to the Slog forum and take our poll.

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Strange. When I first read this post, the headers didn't look any different to me. I thought it must be a pretty subtle font change, and shrugged and moved on. Then I refreshed the page.


I'm with Dan in thinking this is a terrible font choice. I know Corianton's a great designer, and I'm very surprised at this choice. I don't think there was any need to change the font in the first place (none of the issues that Hale describes were issues to me), but using a serif font just doesn't make any sense to me.

Quite frankly, I don't think I would have noticed the change at all unless Dan had brought it up. I would guess most people are on the same page I am.

Oh holy shit. I did a refresh as the above poster mentioned, and shit yeah, I hate the new font. Way prefer the old, bold sans font for the headline. I didn't find that it conflicted with the bolded content at all.

Like the footer, for what that's worth...

I think that they look pretty, but I'm more a fan of using serif-fonts for the body of the post. If anything, three different fonts per entry seems excessive. If the NYT can get by with a single font for their print edition, one would hope that the Stranger could do the same.

Change them back. The new fonts seem discontected.

Old way was better.

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